Which Role Would You Play in Government?

It's a usual thing for governments to have dedicated people for dedicated roles. In the US they are called Secretaries while in other countries they may be called Ministers. They represent different responsibilities of the government, and it's their responsibility to manage them, solve problems or consult the President or Prime Minister. Which role would YOU play in a government cabinet? Answer honestly and you may find out...
1 of 12
When you are in a group of friends on a trip, you are the one who...
Makes sure everyone stays safe
Finds the cheapest places and the best deals
Makes the plans and makes everyone move move move!
Makes sure to teach the others about where they are, the plants and animals
Keeps everyone's spirits high
2 of 12
What do you think is most important for a person today?
To have the resources to support themselves and famiy
To self actualize and achieve your goals
To stay safe and make sure the family is safe
To learn from life and pass that knowledge to others
To be surrounded by friends and people who care about them
To know right from wrong
3 of 12
What is the biggest problem facing humanity today?
A lack of resources
Too much conflict and war
A lack of self discipline
Corrupt Politicians
Too much terrorism
4 of 12
What scares you the most?
Being alone or hated
Never achieving my dreams
My children turning out bad or foolish
Being poor
Breaking the law
Being attacked
5 of 12
Pick something you would prefer taking with you on a day trip.
A board game
Food and coffee
A journal
Extra cash just in case
A weapon
Smartphone or tablet
6 of 12
A friend of yours has a secret to tell you that may harm some people if not told. What do you do?
I'll try to learn how this happened and plan a solution together with my friend
Tell them I will not tell but I cannot be their friend anymore
I'll convince them they should tell
I'll tell those people, I need to do what's right
Sometimes it's better people don't know certain things
I'll protect my friend, no matter what
7 of 12
Pick an activity you always feel like you HAVE to get done.
Straighten out my kids/neighbors/colleagues
Maintain social contacts with friends I don't see much of
Double check the locks/alarm system
Make sure everyone in the family/work does what they should
Balance my check book
Teach my kids or train my employees
8 of 12
Imagine you are in a white, blank room. Suddenly, a square appears on the wall, it is made of one solid color - which color is it?
9 of 12
You are the VP of a large company. You are offered to be the CEO of a smaller company, for less pay. What do you do?
Take the new job, it's better to work for myself
Study the new company and make sure it's all it seems to be
Refuse the new job, it's better to be part of a bigger system
I would be loyal to my old company, VP or not
Ask for more money at my old job
10 of 12
Pick the two words you feel have the strongest connection to each other.
11 of 12
In your most difficult moments, who do you turn to for help?
My parents
Look for help from the system itself
My friends
My boss
12 of 12
How would your friends describe you?
Fun and kind
Secretary of Treasury
The secretary of the Treasury acts as a principal advisor to the President and the Cabinet on economic issues.

You are a powerhouse. For a person to become president, you must be incredibly strong and capable, with lots of energy... READ MORE
Secretary of State
The Secretary of State is responsible for foreign affairs and implementing foreign policies. This is an incredible... READ MORE
Secretary of Defense
According to your results, it seems Secretary of Defense is the best role for you. This secretary is the highest... READ MORE
Secretary of Education
According to your results, it seems Secretary of Education is the best role for you. This secretary is the one... READ MORE
Attorney General
According to your results, it seems Attorney General is the best role for you. This role is the one consulting the... READ MORE
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