Which Personality Type are You Based on a New Study?

Throughout history, there have been quite a few attempts to classify existing personality types into as many categories as possible, including the mystical horoscope or MBTI personality assessment. According to the horoscope, there are 12 types of personalities, and MBTI has 16 personality types, but a new study at Evanston University in Illinois found that all people in the world can be classified into four personality types, based on how they score on 5 different indices: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Openness, and Neuroticism.

Based on these indicators and the classification of the existing personality types, we’ve put together a test that will identify your personality type for you. Answer the following questions and find out which of the four types you belong to. Some of the answers may look similar, but please make sure to choose the answer that best matches your approach to the subject you are being asked about.
A couple entering a wedding hall
1 of 12
You've been invited to a friend's wedding that you haven’t seen in a long time, and you know there’ll be no one you know. Do you go?
I'll let them know in advance that I won’t be attending
Of course, I would go – I’ll also be happy to meet new people along the way
I'll go to the ceremony and congratulate them but I won’t stay for long
I'll try to attend, but I probably won’t
2 of 12
How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?
I'd like to buy gifts for others instead of them buying birthday presents for me - it seems like a nice custom to me
I’d like to have a big party that all my friends and family will enjoy - not every day is my birthday after all
With my family at home – there’s no need to do anything special
I’d like to fly abroad with my family
A wallet
3 of 12
You found a wallet on the street - what do you do with it?
I'll take the wallet to the police station
I’ll go to a nearby business and leave the wallet there in case the person who lost it comes looking for it
I'll look inside and then probably leave it wallet where I found it
I'll take the wallet and look for the owners on social media
4 of 12
A beggar approaches you on the street and asks for some money to buy food - how do you react?
I'll give him a few dollars so he can buy himself some food
I'll buy him food instead of giving him money
I'll ignore him and walk on
I'll remind him that he has to find a job
The silhouettes of a couple arguing
5 of 12
Your spouse has criticized your behavior - how do you react?
I'll try to get more information from them about other things I'm doing wrong so I can change them
I’ll ignore their words – they’re probably going through something
I'll tell them that no one is perfect and they need to accept me as I am
I’ll accept their words and try not to repeat the behavior again
Money in a cash register
6 of 12
Imagine the following situation: You’re working as a cashier at an event where people buy tickets from you. The event failed, people were disappointed and now some of them are asking you for their money back. At first, your manager agreed to return the money, but as soon as everyone started asking for a refund, he ordered you to close the register quickly, without counting the money, and stop giving service. What do you do?
I'll refund some of their money and take some for myself before I close the cash register
I’ll apologize to the customers, explain the situation to them and do what the manager told me to
I will do exactly what the event manager told me, without an explanation to the customers
I'll refund as many people as possible before the manager notices
People fist bumping
7 of 12
Do you prefer to work in a team or alone?
In a team - As long as I get the credit I deserve
In a team - As long as the work is equally divided among all
Alone - I don’t trust others
Alone - I don’t like to work with others
Hands around a table in a restaurant
8 of 12
You’re sitting in a restaurant with friends and it's time to pay the bill. One of your friends offers to pay it all, but you know that they’re currently experiencing some financial difficulties and is even in debt with the bank - what do you do?
I would not allow them to pay the bill and suggest that everyone split it equally
I would not allow them to pay the bill, offer to pay the whole thing myself and suggest they pay the next time.
I would allow them to pay the bill and thank them for it
I would allow them to pay the bill, but I would offer to cover dinner next time
A woman sitting over a notebook with a pen in her mouth
9 of 12
What would you want more people to know, understand and internalize?
That there are no shortcuts in life
That it's okay to reach out to others for help
That you don’t owe anyone anything
That it's okay to want to be alone sometimes
A woman looking pensively
10 of 12
What would you most want to be?
A spiritual leader or a life coach who helps people
A painter, sculptor or talented musician
A beloved politician
A singer or an actor
Chocolate bar
11 of 12
While traveling abroad, one of the passengers asks the steward very brazenly to buy a bar of chocolate, and the steward refuses. The altercation escalates, and the passenger starts yelling at the steward and cursing him. What do you do?
I’ll back up the shouting passenger - he should be given the service he deserves
I'll try to calm the screaming passenger down
I'll take out my smartphone and start filming the event
I'll sit still without interfering
A woman lying on leaves and looking thoughtful
12 of 12
Choose the proverb that you most connect to:
One man's meat is another man's poison
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush
Do not do to unto others what you don’t want them to do unto you
You have an average personality
A man sitting on a windowsill
Don’t think for a second that "average" means "boring" - it simply means that your personality type earned an average... READ MORE
You have a restrained personality
A man sitting on a sofa and writing in a notebook
You got a high score on the Openness Index and Conscientiousness Index, which indicates that you are very emotionally... READ MORE
You have a role model personality
A man in a suit tying a tie
You scored high on all positive measures - agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness and extroversion - and low on the... READ MORE
You have a self-centered personality
A girl sitting on the floor
You received a high score on the extroversion index, and a low score on the agreeableness, conscientiousness, and... READ MORE
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