Which Famous Quote Describes You Best?

There have been many quotes about the nature of man, life, emotion and wisdom. In this quiz, we will ask you questions that cut to the depth of who you are and finding the perfect quote to describe your nature.
1 of 10
What do your friends like about you best, in your opinion?
That I am grateful for their friendship and I appreciate them
That I am wild and live in the moment
That I'm strong and ambitious
That I am wise and give good advice
That I like to help others
That I'm kind and have a good heart
2 of 10
Which of these careers would you like best?
Anything where I can reach the top of my profession
Volunteering in poor and sick environments
A research scientist
A social worker
A soldier or bodyguard
Whatever it is I will do my best with it
3 of 10
What kind of story do you like the most? (For movies, books etc.)
Any story with a good ending that warms the heart
Real stories about problems in the world and how they can be fixed
Stories that make me laugh, the more the better.
Stories that have a lot of action and dynamic storytelling
Convoluted stories that make you think a lot
Stories where the hero's sheer determination and courage win the day
4 of 10
Which of these famous people could you see yourself being in a past life?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Martin Luther King Jr.
Isaac Newton
Ulysses S. Grant
Mahatma Gandhi
5 of 10
What kind of animal could you see yourself as?
6 of 10
Pick a painting.
7 of 10
Pick an activity with friends.
Helping out my friend in need makes me feel best
Building a home for the homeless together
I don't care as long as we're all together
Something wild and fun, like surfing or hiking
Doing a seminar together or learning something useful
Creating a weekly book club or discussing ideas
8 of 10
Pick the photo you love the most.
9 of 10
You are walking in a forest, when an old beggar woman comes to you claiming she's a witch. She would like you to give her something precious and she will make your dreams come true. What do you give her?
A photo of my family and/or friends
I give her whatever I have on me at that moment
I tell her I'm already happy enough, I have no need for wishes
My best advice: She should take better care of herself
I give her food and water, to make sure she's alright, and because they are essential
I give her money so she can buy herself some comforts
10 of 10
You wake up with the power of God, what is the first thing you do?
Build a completely new society from scratch with better ideals.
Discover the many secrets of the universe
Heal all the sick people in the world
Make life a paradise on earth where no one suffers any need unfulfilled
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