Which Dance Style Are You?

Just as we can express ourselves in writing and orally, so people also find ways to express themselves through painting, poetry and other tools. This is not really surprising because art of any kind is actually a tool for self-expression, and this is also true when it comes to dance. Even if you have two left feet, there is a dance in this world that matches in its nature who you are and the deep characteristics of your personality. This dance also has something to do with the characteristics of your body language, your social behavior and many other areas that we will ask you about in the next personality test. Answer all the questions here and find out which dance style suits your character...
The dance test that suits your character: a clothing store
What is most important to you in your clothes?
Comfort and style that allow freedom of movement
Let them be special and stand out
Classic elegance
Careful and precise design
The dance test that suits your character: a man with a travel bag
When planning a trip, what is more important to you - spontaneity or careful planning?
Plans big, but leaves room for adventure
Careful planning of every detail
Spontaneity with some planned key points
Balanced planning with several places in the schedule that are open to flexibility
The dance test that suits your character: women talk
What do your hands do while talking to other people?
Lots of different movements at a varying pace
Big and fast movements
Measured and precise movements
Usually they are next to my body or in my pockets
The dance test that suits your personality: roller coaster
What does this picture make you feel?
The dance test that suits your character: stepping
What would be the nature of your reaction if someone stepped on your foot by mistake?
I will laugh and joke about it
I will politely warn the person who stepped on me
I will ask for an apology and if I receive it, all is well
As long as it's by mistake then I'll ignore it and move on with my life
The dance test that suits your character: balloons and a party hat
How is it best for you to mark a special event such as an important birthday, a significant promotion, etc.?
A big party with lots of dancing
A performance or standup
In a good restaurant with close people
A meticulous and organized celebration at home or in a small hall
The dance test that suits your character: a man in a suit
What is your approach to fashion and personal style?
Colorful and bold, with a personal twist
Elegant and precise
Unique and striking
Classic and sophisticated
The dance test that suits your character: cartwheels
What word would you associate with this picture?
The dance test that suits your character: A Woman in the Light
How would it be possible to describe your feeling if we put you in the center of attention at some event?
Pleasure and excitement
Concentration and restrained behavior
Self-confidence and a desire to stand out
Inconvenience, I'd rather share the stage
The dance test that suits your personality: fitness equipment
How much do you enjoy physical activity?
High, I have a lot of fun working out and keeping fit
As long as you don't overdo it and you can rest, it's nice
I do it for health and weight, but it's not really fun
Not fun at all, better to do something more relaxed
The dance test that suits your character: A girl talks to a sad girl
What is your typical response to criticism?
Acceptance with openness and trying to improve
Careful analysis and corrective action
Defensiveness, but ultimately also learning
Acceptance, but not necessarily consent
The dance test that suits your character: watches
How would you describe the pace of your daily life?
Fast and lively
Variable and dynamic
Stable and balanced
Regular and accurate
The dance test that suits your personality: party
When you walk into a party, what's the first thing you do?
Just starts dancing
Looking for the least crowded and quietest place
Looking for the center of the dance floor and dancing
Looking for familiar faces to talk with
Latin dances
The dance test that fits your personality: Latin dancers
According to this personality test, the dance style that suits you best is Latin dancing! Just like salsa, tango and cha cha cha, you also have freedom, passion and a certain wildness, thanks to which your soul is always thirsty for pleasures, adventures and experiences. You have a lot of "joie de vivre", a bit hot temper at times, an infectious passion and a huge heart that allows you to give and receive love in an enormous amount. Some people find it hard to keep up with you, but you don't like to wait for anyone. Your mind has a fast and sweeping pace, so don't let anyone slow you down and stop you from chasing your dreams!
The dance test that fits your personality: hip-hop dancers
According to this personality test, the dance style that suits you best is hip hop! Just like the dancers who started promoting this musical culture in the '70s, you too have boldness, creativity, a strong youthful spirit and a desire to conquer the world. Your soul greatly enjoys attention, big events and opportunities to make big dreams come true. You have a lively and attractive personality, and there are likely to be many people who are always happy to enjoy your company. Some conservative people have a hard time with your fast pace and innovation, but you have to stay true to yourself. Keep the fire of youth and your joy of life, and don't let anyone slow you down!
The dance test that suits your personality: ballet dancers
According to this personality test, the dance style that suits you best is ballet! Just like this art of dancing that began to develop as early as the 15th century, your soul also has many subtleties and beauties that make your character noble and restrained. People like you are often elegant, gentle and have a developed capacity for empathy. Although sometimes it's hard to see, you have a personality with a lot of strengths and a rich inner world, but sometimes you're more comfortable keeping most of these things in your inner world and not bringing them out. Sometimes it is difficult for you with loud, forceful and impatient people, but what is important is that you always have the strength to restore peace to your life after they move away from you.
The dance test that suits your personality: Waltz dancers
According to this personality test, the dance style that suits you best is waltz! The style, which is suitable for classic works such as the Blue Danube, the Nutcracker and more, gained popularity in the high society of Europe in the 18th century, and to this day is a symbol of nobility, class and elegance. People like you don't like pressure and highly value harmony, cooperation and order. In addition, because the waltz is a couple dance, this result also shows that relationships with other people are very important in your life. These frameworks provide you with a lot of energy, mental support and reserves of strength in cases where life is particularly challenging. As long as the people who love you and care about you continue to surround you, there is nothing that will stop you from chasing your dreams!
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