Which Century Should You Have Been Born In?

Is this the right time for you to have been born? Do you find yourself wishing sometimes you had been born in a different era or century? Well, to answer that question for you, we've devised this personality test that will analyze your answers and let you know - Which century should you have been born in?
1 of 10
What is your idea of a perfect place?
A big, clean city with endless sights and a plethora of culture
Warm and quiet, like a lonely beach
Anywhere with flowing water, like a large river or the ocean
Green, windy and cool - like the hills of Scotland
A beautiful little town, with gorgeous little shops and perfectly kept parks to lounge in
A green forest, away from human civilization
2 of 10
What kind of food do you like most?
None of these, I like more complex tastes
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Fish and cold meats
Sweet berries
Meat, meat and meat!
Freshly baked bread
3 of 10
Which ideal do you find most attractive?
Faith and worship
Being a good citizen of society
Dominion of man over nature
Honor in life and in death
4 of 10
It's your birthday today (Happy Birthday!), which gift would you rather get?
I don't care, as long as it's practical
The latest gadget
Something expensive, maybe jewelry
5 of 10
What do you think about governments and rules?
I think they are chains we've put on ourselves
I think they are too limiting of personal freedoms and should be made weaker
I think we should only allow the smartest people who have a lifetime of experience to sit in the governing body
I think they are a necessary and important thing if we want to live in a good society
6 of 10
What kind of lodgings do you like the most?
A stylish apartment, as high up as possible
Anything that's simple, comfortable, fuss-free, and on the ground floor
A beautiful house with art on the walls, I don't care about the comfort that much
A beach house, I don't care what it's like I'll sleep on the sand
A warm cabin in the cold woods
7 of 10
What's your favorite kind of sports or exercise?
Any kind of adversarial sport, like basketball or boxing
Walking for a long time
Going to the gym or taking a spin class
Running, jumping - any kind of athletic sport
8 of 10
How do you feel about technology?
I LOVE technology. I only wish it was more advanced already
It depends which kind. I like mechanics like cars but hate digital technology
I love making things with my own hands, but anything beyond DIY makes me uneasy. I like to understand how something was made
I do OK with most technology, as long as it's not too complicated
I hate all kinds of technology. I love being in an all natural environment
9 of 10
Which of these freedoms is most important to you?
Freedom of Protest: To be given a voice against government
Freedom of Movement: Going wherever I want to go
Freedom of Education: Everyone should have the same level of education
Freedom of Love: To love whomever I wish
I can't choose. Living without any of these things is impossible for me
10 of 10
Are you seen as tough by those who know you?
Yes because I have enormous stamina and energy.
No, I'm not seen as tough at all. In fact, many of my friends and family are tougher than me.
Yes because I can work hard for hours without being bored.
Maybe a little bit, but no more than most people.
Yes because I can go without sleep and I can withstand extreme temperatures better than most people.
You're Right Where You Should Be
According to your answers, you're already at the perfect place for you - the 21st century. This is a place between the... READ MORE
23rd Century
Living in the past? What a funny notion! For you, this IS the past, and the world is STILL not as modern nor as... READ MORE
18th Century
You long for a more simple time when family was family, men and women had their traditional roles, and society was more... READ MORE
No Century: Prehistorical Times
For you, the most important word is freedom. Freedom not only to do as you please when you please it or walk wherever... READ MORE
1st Century: Biblical and Roman Times
You long for a much simpler existence, but you don't want to be alone. While others may prefer to go back in time to... READ MORE
15th Century: Renaissance Times
You are tired of modern life and technology. It's not that you hate other people or human culture, it's just that you... READ MORE
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