Which Cat Breed Would You Be?

Some people may think that cat breeds, unlike dog breeds, are all the same. However, for those who know cats, nothing could be further from the truth. Many cat breeds are very distinct in their look and behavior. Which cat breed is most like YOU, though? This fun quiz sets to find out...
1 of 11
Choose your favorite movie cat:
Jinxy (Meet the Parents)
Mrs. Norris (Harry Potter)
Snowbell (Stuart Little)
Marie (Disney Aristocats)
2 of 11
Who were you in high school?
Smart, Quite One
Friend with Everybody
The One Who Always Sleeps in Class
Popular Kid
The Jock
Class President
3 of 11
You woke up late, what do you complain about?
Oh dear, my meeting!
Well then, no shower again today
Why did nobody wake me?!
I miss my morning work out!
Ah, I didn't set the alarm
4 of 11
Your parents/roommates brought guests to your house. What do you do?
Go to the gym instead
Lock myself in my room
Fun! Let's meet them
Are they cute?
Talk to them about current issues
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What makes you happy?
I'm the winner
Being the center of attention
Learning something new
Doing my hobby
Having quality time for myself
Having fun with friends
Fitness and health
Being pampered
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How do you feel about other people?
The more people I know, the better
I find myself better than most people
I don't like people, especially crowds
They are the source of world's power
I need them.. to help me
Lazy people is the worst kind
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What is your favorite TV show?
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
Here Comes Honey Boo-boo
The Apprentice
Miss Universe
The Amazing Race
The Biggest Loser
Keeping up with the Kardashians
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Do you think you can live without other people?
9 of 11
What is your dream job?
Getting paid without doing anything
Job? Please. People do things for me
Anything people-oriented
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Mostly, you get complaints for being...
Act tough all the time
Not friendly
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What is your ideal living place?
The big city
Suburb with my own family, keep it traditional
Anywhere near a gym or a park
Big house with lots of servants
Somewhere quiet
You are a Ragdoll!
You are one of the most well-mannered personality there is!

As a Ragdoll Cat, you know how to behave in front... READ MORE
You are a Norwegian Forest Cat!
A breed whose ancestors hung around the Vikings!

As a Wegie cat, you are a survivor and have strong... READ MORE
You are a Russian Blue!
'Look before you leap' is the mantra for you.

As a Russian Blue cat, you are very intelligent and cautious... READ MORE
You are a Siamese!
“We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” lines from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp.

You are a Turkish Angora!
Beautiful and elegant on the surface, energetic and intelligent on the inside.

As a Turkish Angora cat, you... READ MORE
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