What Sea Creature Would You Be?

We all get inspired by the natural world. Its roots and the roots of the human race are closely intertwined. Spiritually and in fact, animals often represent us symbolically, which is why animal totems were used by Native Americans and many other people throughout history. This time we want to ask the question: Which sea animal is an echo of you?
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The weekend is here! Where would we find you?
Moving between family and friends
Going out and finding some fun
Reading, learning or working on a project
Relaxing at home with the family
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What is the first thing you do when a dangerous situation occurs?
Make sure my family is safe
Tense up and get ready for desperate action
Immediately reassure everyone things will be ok
Try to stay calm and keep my thinking clear
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What do you love doing at the beach?
Lie down and get some shut-eye
Lie on the beach and read a good book
Playing with the children or with friends
Physical stuff like running, playing, swimming
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Choose the word you think is closest to describing you.
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Pick your preferred terrestrial animal.
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Would you define yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?
Something in between
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Choose your preferred color:
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Some random person on the street start a fight with you. How do you react?
I'll try to reach a peaceful solution, but I will defend myself
Keep it verbal only and start thinking of elegant ways to get out of this
Get away from them and be on my way
I will stand proudly and show them I am not afraid
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Where would you like to go right now for a vacation?
Classic Europe
East Asia
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Choose your favorite dish:
חידון אישיות - איזה יצור ים אתה: עוגיות שוקולד צ'יפס
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What qualities do you look for in people you befriend?
Joy and generosity
Hard work and socially active
Humility and loyalty
Intelligence and the ability to read situations
Just like the "infamous" sharks, with their physical strength, swimming ability and deadly abilities - it seems that... READ MORE
The seahorse is a unique creature. It is a small animal but durable and quite tough - and according to ancient... READ MORE
Like the dolphin, which is known for its intellect and kind and loving temperament (for the most part) - you too are a... READ MORE
You may not have the many arms of the octopus, but from your answers, this is your spirit marine animal. like the... READ MORE
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