What's Your Ancient Japanese Role?

Japan has a rich culture and a long history, which is completely different from anything we know from our short history here in the Land of Israel or even our long history as the Jewish people. Along the way, archetypal characters were created in Japanese culture that we got to know mainly through various television, film and literature works, each of which often had its own unique characteristics. If you lived in ancient Japan, which archetype would suit you? What role would you play in the history of the Land of the Rising Sun? Answer the following 12 questions and find out...
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Hands on each other
1 of 12
Which formative group activity is your favorite?
Paintball (paint guns)
A picnic in the forest
Escape room
Craft workshop or similar hobby
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Animals
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Choose the animal you connect with the most:
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Peacock
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Owl
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Lion
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Fox
What role did you play in ancient Japan: a thinker
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How do you deal with bureaucratic problems with entities such as banks, social security, local authorities and the like?
I collect documentation of the problems and threatens publication on the network or a lawsuit
I Remain calm and hope that things will work as soon as possible
I Demand to speak to a higher official and insist until my problem is solved
I get help from other people who understand the subject
What role did you have in ancient Japan: A man lying on a pipe in the sea
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What places do you like to vacation?
Small villages and towns
Forts and castles
Modern cities
Religious and nature sites
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Friends vs. Sunset
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How would your friends describe you?
A wise man with surprising abilities
A calm man with an ancient soul
A prominent type who protects everyone
A charming man with the soul of an artist
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Clapper
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Which character do you think you would play in the movie?
A charismatic artist with an amazing life story
A superhero who fights bad guys
A spy who carries out secret missions
A spiritual teacher who helps people deal with crises
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Colors
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Which picture has the colors that attract you the most?
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Red Gold
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Blue Purple
What role did you play in ancient Japan: blue and white
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Black Silver
What role did you play in ancient Japan: Party
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You've arrived at an event where you don't know anyone - what will you do?
I will introduce myself to people and try to make new connections
I will stay for a while and will probably leave as soon as I can
I will stay alone and relatively aside
I have nothing to worry about, people will come talk to me
What role did you play in ancient Japan: A woman whose shadow is a superhero
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If you were a superhero, what would your power be?
Mind reading - to understand what is really going through people's minds
Infinite power - to protect and serve
Thought control - everyone will obey me
Missing ability - seeing and invisible
What role did you have in ancient Japan: hands holding objects of hobbies
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How do you approach a new hobby?
With curiosity and willingness to learn new things
With patience and an open mind
With a vision and desire to quickly reach an advanced level
With careful planning and a schedule
What role did you play in ancient Japan: A thinking woman
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When you have to make a decision, what do you rely on the most?
About my inner truth
On my principles
About my ability to read people
On my intuition
What role did you play in ancient Japan: clan tents
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If you lived in a tribe, what would your role be?
The storyteller
The hunter
The shaman (spiritual healer)
The leader of the tribe
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Samurai
Your essence captures the samurai spirit, characterized by immense honor, steadfast loyalty, and unwavering discipline... READ MORE
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Ninja
As a ninja, your resourcefulness shines in adapting to diverse situations and strategizing effectively when needed. You... READ MORE
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Geisha
Your innate grace and artistic flair reflect a deep appreciation for beauty in all its forms and expressions. You... READ MORE
Zen Monk
What role did you have in ancient Japan: Monk
Your connection to your inner self and tranquility is evident, and is often described as wisdom by others. You value... READ MORE
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