What is Your Greatest Passion?

Inside each of us is a passion that drives us forward and helps us get to where we need to be. Whether it's career success, starting a family that will be our legacy or simply a state of peace - your soul has a desire that it tries to satisfy itself. So what is the passion of your soul? Tell us what you see in the following 12 photos and we will reveal the answer to you...
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What do you see in this picture?
Something else
What is your soul's passion: Man behind leaves
Does this picture make you feel happy or sad?
A bit of both
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What do you see in this picture?
A skyline of temples
Sound waves
Something else
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What stands out to you more in this picture?
The straight black lines
The straight bright lines
The bright curling lines
The smooth black part
What is your soul's desire: an abstract image of space
What is the association that comes to your mind when you look at this picture?
Force majeure
End of the world
A New Beginning
Something else
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What do you see in this picture?
Another planet
Something else
What is your soul's desire: an abstract image of a spiral
What does this shape remind you of?
A Staircase
A Snail
An Eye
A Desert
Something else
What is the passion of your soul: abstract image of hands
What are the people in this picture doing?
Doing Yoga
Something else
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What does this picture remind you of?
Closed eye
Sealed lips
Conveyor belts
None of these
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What do you see in this picture?
Hair follicles
Something else
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What stands out to you the most in this picture?
Straight lines
All together
What is your soul's passion: abstract image
What does this picture remind you of?
Illuminated city
Something else
What is the passion of your soul: an abstract image of a couple in love
You are ruled by your need to make connections with other people. Whether it's a romantic and intimate relationship or simply a bond of friendship and family, it's what drives you and keeps you motivated for life. You have a compassionate and warm soul, and a nature that motivates you to nurture others, take care of them, and this is what attracts people to you. You recognize the potential inherent in each and every one, and your eyes see a whole world that exists in each person - this is actually how you drive your connections with others, because no matter what happens, your friends know that you will be there for them, allow them to be who they are fully, and they will receive unconditional love from you and without any boundaries.
What is the passion of your soul: an abstract image of rays of light
Some people will see your optimism as naive, but you have come to an understanding that not many get, and that hope for a better future is what allows it to arrive. All the potential for this is around you, and you know that you only need to open your eyes and notice the good things that allow us to achieve greatness, success and happiness. While other people feel that everyday troubles weigh them down, you rise above them and prefer to see the beauty in the simplicity that each day brings. Your character is contagious, and those who spend enough time with you learn how to develop hope like you, and appreciate you for it.
Breaking the limits
What is the passion of your soul: an abstract image of an eruption
You are not afraid to go out into the world every day and give everything you have, as if it were your last day on earth. This is what drives you to success, and therefore you will never really give up, because you know you have nothing to lose. You are the kind of person whose character others envy and who try to imitate you, because you always push the boundaries of life and do what others fear. You don't waste time trying to analyze results or think too much about what will happen - you just let your heart lead you and act, without fear. As long as you keep doing that, your heart will always lead you to where you need to go, so keep at it.
Peace of mind
What is the passion of your soul: an abstract image of circles
The quiet moments you spend alone are the ones you value the most and the ones you look forward to every day. It is not easy for you to deal with the daily stress, and it may leave you exhausted and worn out, but as long as you have moments of peace with yourself, you will be able to recharge with energy to continue. You seek a balance between your professional, personal, social and family life, and try to devote time to each of these areas every day, but in the end what is most important to you is your time with yourself. These are the moments when you feel that you can be who you really are, which instills a peace that nothing else can provide. In these moments you can make right decisions, and those who really love you know that you need it.
your legacy
What is your soul's desire: an abstract image of stairs
You often find yourself wondering what you will leave behind in this world, and this stems from a deep desire to leave a mark. You believe that everyone has the power to be a great person and influence the world in special ways that will change it forever, so you won't give it up on yourself. You are a brave and ambitious person who is not afraid of hard work, and while other people are planning vacations for themselves or looking for ways to escape from reality, you are always on the way to a certain goal and determined to achieve it, so that at the end of your life you can be proud of everything you have done and achieved. "Keep going and don't stop - we are sure that with a character like yours, you will truly reach greatness!
Self Realization
What is the passion of your soul: an abstract image of waves
So far your life has been a journey of self-discovery, and you are always in a state of personal development and discovery of the talents and abilities you have been given. Sometimes your goals are a little too high, but that's because you're looking to fulfill yourself in a way that gives you a real sense of success, whether in your career or other areas. You want to create change and feel it, so you are driven by your values and not by the factors that guide other people. It is important to you to satisfy not only the body, but also the soul, and therefore your journey is more complex than that of others - you are looking for a real answer to your life and know that temporary solutions are not the answer. Don't let anything deter you from your goal - keep being the best version of yourself, and that's what will get you where you need to be.
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