What is Your Problem-Solving Approach?

Problem-solving is a daily tool for us living in these complicated modern times. We have tasks every day, whether at home, for family and friends, for ourselves, for our work - and many more besides! We each have our own strategies and ways of completing those challenges. How do YOU problem-solve? Take our subliminal test and find out.
1 of 12
Pick a room you'd rather sleep in...
2 of 12
Pick a dress/outfit for you or your spouse...
3 of 12
Which animal is closest to how you feel at the moment?
4 of 12
Pick the image that seems most attractive to you.
5 of 12
You had a bad day at work and you're looking to let off some steam, what do you choose?
Wild Dancing
A workout
A fun movie
A good meal
6 of 12
Pick your favorite musical instrument.
7 of 12
You're looking to have a family picnic. Where do you choose to have it?
8 of 12
You feel like you need some alone time after a tragedy. Where do you go?
My room
The beach
Exotic forest location
9 of 12
Pick a country you'd like to see in your travels.
10 of 12
Choose a drink that you want to sip right now.
11 of 12
Choose a necklace you'd give as a gift to someone close.
12 of 12
You're shipwrecked on a far off island, which of these items do you choose to have with you?
Based on your test results, it seems that you prefer to solve your problems in a way that is different from the norm, a... READ MORE
By the Book
Judging by the results of your test, it seems that you would rather solve your problems "by the book", rather than move... READ MORE
Based on your test results, it seems that you would rather think in the short-term and solve your problems in the... READ MORE
We don't know what you do in life, but from your test results, you seem to be a manager and a leader in your mind. As... READ MORE
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