What is the Best Way to Improve Your Life?

Everyone needs something. It's very rare, as people, that we get to feel truly satisfied and have nothing to improve in our life. That IS life, a lot of the time, trying to make things better. This quiz will decide, according to your answers, what your biggest need is right now. Answer honestly!
woman looking to the distance on a balcony
1 of 12
Which of these things has been most important to you thus far?
Personal Projects
sand clock
2 of 12
What would you do if you had only 6 months left to live?
Go alone on an wild adventure
Create as many new relationships with new people
Learn all the things I can
Travel around the world
pensive woman
3 of 12
As a child, which of these was most important to you?
Playing games and sports
Being social with other kids
Taking risks
silhouette of child at sunset
4 of 12
What word would you choose to describe your current situation?
thumbs up from a guy in a suit
5 of 12
Which of these people do you admire the most?
My Partner
My Father or Mother
My Most Accomplished Friend
My Single Friend
6 of 12
Which of these things do you hate the most?
Taking care of house tasks
Getting up for work
Doing things my partner wants but don't interest me
Doing health maintenance / Exercise
Frustrated woman
7 of 12
When you get up in the morning, what do you do?
Hygiene/coffee, then go back to bed for as long as I can sleep, get up late and read the news or watch TV
Hygiene/coffee, interact with my spouse, go to work
Hygiene/coffee and then read the news and go to work
Interact with my spouse, hygiene/coffee and then more interaction
8 of 12
Choose a food or drink you could and would consume right now:
Climbing a mountain
9 of 12
What is your living situation?
I live alone and that's how I like it
I live with several other people in a social environment
I live with my significant other
I live alone, not by choice
angry woman
10 of 12
What do you hate the most in other people?
מבחן אישיות לשיפור החיים: איור של גבר בצומת דרכים
11 of 12
Which of these would you give up to get the other 3?
An Expensive New Car
A Date with an interesting person
A Daily Maid
12 of 12
Which image do you find most appealing?
Improving Work or Career
It could be that for a long time now you've suspected something is unsatisfying about your work or career. According to... READ MORE
Improving Health or Quality of Life
It may be that your lifestyle has been weighing on you (pun intended) for some time, and they may have caused some... READ MORE
Improving Relationships
Relationships, or your romantic relationship, are giving you trouble lately. You may feel lonely, unsatisfied with your... READ MORE
Improving the Immediate Environment
It doesn't matter whether it's a small issue or a big one. When something bothers us about our immediate environment... READ MORE
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