What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Our handwriting is something we do almost without thinking. Sure, we think of the words we want to write, but the action of writing is taken straight from the back of our minds, without any conscious effort. In this quiz, we're going to employ some known characteristics of handwriting to determine what yours says about you!
Do you prefer using a pen or a pencil?
Do you write everyday items in cursive or standard?
A weird mix of the two
How do you space between words in a sentence:
Barely any, words are almost connected.
I leave a lot of space.
I leave a little space.
When writing, do the letters slope forward, backward, or not at all?
Forward (to the right)
Backward (to the left)
Not at all (straight up and down)
How do you space between lines within a paragraph?
I space so close that the letters almost overlap with the previous line above.
Close, neat spaces in between.
Wide spaces, definitely.
Your words on the page are...
When you capitalize a letter, how much larger is it when compared to lowercase lettering?
Much larger
A bit larger
About the same size
In the absence of lined paper, does your writing slope upwards, right across the page, or slope downwards?
It tends to slope up
Right across the page
It tends to slope downward
If labeling something permanently, you:
Make a conscious effort to make it neat and organized.
I don't tend to label things, in case they change.
Write like I normally do.
When writing, you press down:
Lightly, creating wispy lettering.
Hard, creating precise and dark lettering.
Firm, for even lettering.
When writing letters, are they rounded or pointed? (generally speaking, don't compare your handwriting directly to these)
And finally... Have you ever made a conscious effort to rework your handwriting style?
Yes. It wasn't up to standards previously.
I've made it neater over time, but that's about it.
Organized And Headstrong
Self-Confident, Headstrong, and results-driven, you are a take-charge personality type whose writing is never in vain, and is always for a specific purpose. Whether it's jotting down notes or labeling something for eternity - your handwriting is firm and almost mathematic in execution, with words forming straight lines across the page for the most part. The sharp lettered consistency and organization of your handwriting is a direct reflection of your psyche, and mirrors your desire for organization (and at least partial control) in everyday life. You are practical, and think with your head above all else.
Free-Spirited and Creative-Minded
Free-Spirited, Creative-Minded, and genuinely talented, your handwriting is a direct reflection of your negligence to be tied down or stifled in any manner. The thought of yourself or others being restricted by another individual's beliefs or actions is physically sickening. Your writing is generally rounded, with some or all letters connecting to each other. A key component of your handwriting is the spacing - Wide gaps in between both lines and words indicates your free-spirited conscience. When writing, your hand is a fluttering-fury of large letters - your hand struggling to keep up with the constant flow of ideas. This habit of large lettering indicates a tendency to be overly concerned with what others think of you. Regardless, you make decisions with your gut - and are prone to impulsive and sometimes adventurous decisions.
introspective and Protective
Protective, introspective, and somewhat shy - Your handwriting reflects your overall reserved demeanor and desire for privacy in everyday life. When writing, your lettering tends to be neat and even, though not to a concise or contrived point. Writing, for you, is the specific transcribing of ideas - Writing down your thoughts is sincerely helpful in daily life (and if you haven't tried this yet, we highly recommend it). Your handwriting tends to be small, and slant to the left, which directly reflects the desire to keep to yourself, or even to directly protect that which you are currently writing. You tend to weigh a handful of possible outcomes before arriving at any sort of conclusion.
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