What do Your Sleep Habits Say About Your Personality?

According to various studies conducted on the subject, we humans spend almost a third of our lives sleeping, and although this is a long time by all accounts, each of us experiences it differently and treats it differently. There are people who sanctify sleep and spend a long time in bed and there are those who sleep only a little and prefer to make the most of each day, there are those who wake up at the crack of dawn and those who wake only at dusk โ€“ each with their own habits. These behavior patterns and habits can attest to your unique personality and character, and with the help of the following personality quiz, youโ€™ll discover what lies behind them.
A woman drinking a cup of hot coffee
1 of 13
What time do you usually wake up?
When I feel like it
Between 6 and 8 AM
Sometime around noon
Between 4 and 6 AM
Between 8 and 10 AM
Feet peeking out of a blanket
2 of 13
What is your preferred sleeping position?
a woman  Stretched out all over the bed
Stretched out all over the bed
a woman sleeping  in a Fetal position
Fetal position
a woman hiding behind the shadows
It changes
a woman sleeping on her back
On my back
a woman laying on her stomach
On my stomach
a woman sleeping while sitting
Propped up on a lot of pillows
a clock showing 2 o'clock
3 of 13
How many hours do you sleep on an average night?
8-10 hours
5-8 hours
More than 10 hours
3-5 hours
It varies every night
Clothes on a hanger
4 of 13
What type of clothes do you usually sleep in?
a shirtless man laying in bed
Completely naked
a woman sleeping in pajamas
Flannel pajamas
a man sleeping in a t-shirt
Shirt and underwear
a woman sleeping in a nightgown
A thin nightgown
a man sleeping in a hat and coat
What I have on
A woman sitting on the bed and covering her face with a pillow
5 of 13
When do you usually go to bed?
Between 10 and 12 at night
In the early evening hours
Just after midnight
In the early morning hours
A bedside lamp lit beside a bed
6 of 13
What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
a man looking at his cellphone in the dark
Browse the Internet
a kid sitting in front of a t.v in the dark
Aaron Escobar
Watch TV
a bathroom
Go to the bathroom
a woman sipping from a mug
Sip a cup of tea
a hand with pills on it
Take a sleeping pill
a man reading a book in bed
Read a book
A woman lying with her eyes open
Alyssa L. Miller
7 of 13
From the moment you climb into bed, how long does it take you to fall asleep?
More than half an hour or so
About fifteen minutes
It changes every night
Not more than a minute or two
A man sitting in front of a computer screen in the dark
8 of 13
Do you work at night?
Yes always
From time to time
Illustration of morning and night
9 of 13
Do you define yourself as a morning person or a night owl?
I love both the morning and the night
Night owl
Morning person
A woman sleeping in water
10 of 13
What do you dream about most nights?
I have no consistent dreams
About good things - pleasures, entertainment and fantasies
Matters of work, family and daily life
I never remember my dreams
A multitude of things that are not connected to each other
A yawning child
11 of 13
Which of the following makes you feel tired?
A long day of work and childcare
None of these really makes me tired
Boredom and inaction
Drinking alcohol
A teddy bear on a bed
12 of 13
What does your bedroom look like?
A messy bedroom
A man peeking at an alarm clock from his bed
13 of 13
How many times does your alarm go off before you get up?
Alarm Clock? I donโ€™t need one, I wake up naturally.
Once is enough for me
Sometimes I get up after one ring and sometimes after ten...
At least three or four times
You are energetic, active and full of joy
woman jumping in the air at dusk
a woman jumping into the air in front of the sunset
According to your answers, we can tell that youโ€™re a very active person, full of energy and joie de vivre, who likes to... READ MORE
You are serious, diligent and devoted to work
a man fixing his tie
Your sleeping habits reveal that you are a person who knows what hard work is and is willing to invest a lot in order... READ MORE
You are organized, orderly and purposeful
a hand writing in a notebook
According to your answers, we can say that youโ€™re a very organized and orderly person with your feet on the ground, and... READ MORE
You love changes and are always ready for new challenges
a man hovering over and upside-down city
Your answers show us that you're a person who knows how to handle changes, and you're always ready to make them adapt... READ MORE
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