What Do Colors Say About Your Emotions?

The colors we love, the colors we hate and the colors we choose to surround ourselves with - these are all aspects of our own inner personality. Most of the human brain is dedicated to the visual system, and as such colors play a huge part in how we see the world. Answer our questions and find out what kind of color temperament you have.
Pick a woman that makes you feel most thoughtful.
You just got a big inheritance and decide to buy the fanciest car you've ever owned. Pick a color for it.
If you could paint your bedroom any color you want, what would it be?
A hue of red
Leave it white or off-white
Light blue
Dark Blue
A hue of orange
Pick a meadow
If you could wear any color socks you wanted, what would be your favorite color to wear?
I'd change colors every day
If you could change the color of the skies, what color would you replace it with?
I'd leave it as it is
Perhaps a deeper blue
Orange or red
Black like at night
Pick the image of the man that makes you feel happiest.
If you could have any eye color you wanted, which would you choose?
You've just been told that, for budgetary reasons, we have to cut out one of the colors of the rainbow. Which one would you choose to leave out?
Pick the leaf that makes you feel most connected to nature.
You Are a Hot Color Person
The colors run hot in your blood, and you are probably either an energetic person or a fierce one. For you, life is passion, it is action, deeds done and memories created. You like to leave the house and have fun outside with friends or family. <br><br>You are very social and are probably surrounded by people, but you are also emotional and may become angry or upset faster than most. This is the line you must always walk, between passion for positive feelings and passion for negative feelings (even if you don't want to). For most, this is a life-long struggle, but many find the right balance to make sure they continue to enjoy the light side of being a hot color person.
You Are a Cold Color Person
The colors run cool in your blood, seeking that place of pure peace and tranquility within you. You're the kind of person who prefers tranquility to hotheadedness, the calm inside you cannot be broken by the outside unless things really get bad. <br><br>Always, you seek to return to your homeostasis - a place of acceptance and the fragile beauty of keeping things cool inside you. You are attracted to cool colors that reflect that quest for tranquility. Sometimes this is because your early life was tumultuous or stressful. Sometimes this is just who we are, and it's crucial that people like you remind the rest of us how important it is to keep calm and carry on.
You Run Hot and Cold
From your color test results we see that you do not lean strongly to warm or cool colors, making you a changeable person. A changeable person is one who is not constantly hot headed nor constantly looking for tranquility. A person like you gets angry, gets calm, but doesn't do it with any obsessive measure. Rather, your emotions run hot and cold, depending on what happened to you today. <br><br>In other words, your view of the world and how hot your emotions run is much more affected by the external world than your own personality. Sure, it plays a big part in interpreting what happened to you, but you usually keep a pretty objective and straight head when it comes to it, and you pride yourself on having measured responses to whatever ails you. People like you can be trusted to deal with unexpected or emotionally loaded situations without having a predictable response like some other types of personality which can be much more easily predicted.
You Struggle to Find Emotional Responses
This is a rare result, so excuse us if we are wrong about you, but according to your test results, it seems your emotional tendency is... not to feel much. Your scores seem to indicate you are feeling a bit disconnected from yourself and your view on life. This may indicate you are in the middle of a journey of self-discovery, yet to be complete. <br><br>On the other hand, it may also indicate a measure of depression and disassociation on your part, an issue that may require speaking to someone to learn more about your situation. This can be a false positive of course, and if this is not you, we recommend waiting a few hours before taking the test again and making fast choices. However, if this is you, your emotional situation seems to be muted, and that may need some looking into, unless you are just a person who is used to having slightly muted emotions.
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