What Are Your Dreams Telling You?

We all dream, but we don't all dream the same. Some of us have a hard time remembering our dreams, while others may recall them on a daily basis. But when you do remember a dream, it usually has a great impact on us, as we are exposed to our subconscious in the most direct way possible to us. What are YOUR dreams trying to tell you? Answer this quiz and you may find out...
1 of 10
What animal do you often see in dreams?
2 of 10
Have you ever seen geometric patterns in your dream?
3 of 10
Have you ever seen a doorway in your dreams in the past 2 weeks?
4 of 10
How do you feel when you wake up from your dreams?
5 of 10
Have you ever lucid dreamed?
I'm not sure
6 of 10
What is the most common nightmare you have?
You arrive at school in your underpants
You are being chased
There is a giant spider or monster in your dream
7 of 10
What dream symbol do you often see in your dreams?
Open Doorways
8 of 10
Do you ever feel like you're falling before going to sleep?
9 of 10
Have you ever had an out of body experience?
10 of 10
Which dream symbol have you seen in a recent dream?
Your dreams are trying to tell you....that you need to spend more time reflecting
Your dreams may be trying to process the things you do, see and think about during your day. Spend some time before you... READ MORE
Your dreams are trying to tell you....to pay more attention to relationships.
You may have been having trouble with relationships lately and need some help with it. Perhaps you aren't even aware... READ MORE
Your dreams are trying to tell you....that you are going through a transition period.
Your dreams seem to be insecure about what is going on right now. When things are in flux, whether from outside... READ MORE
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