The Subconscious Defense Test

Our subconscious has many roles: Information filtering, memory storage... But one of its most important jobs is to protect our psyche from negative outside events and negative feelings within. Your subconscious wants you to stay whole, and there are quite a few tactics it may use. This is why people have quite different initial reactions to things, even though later logic may make their reactions more similar. Answer our questions and find out: What is YOUR subconscious defense?
1 of 11
Think about your greatest mistake in life. How do you feel about it?
That it may be good that it happened. I learned from it and that's why it'll never happen again
I feel like it's a black stain on my life and I do anything not to think about it
I feel like I never ever want it to happen again and I better make sure it doesn't
It makes me hate myself a little when I think about it
It happened. Life keeps going and I try not to think about it.
2 of 11
You decide to make a major purchase without notifying your partner. They get angry at you and demand to know what you were thinking. What is your response?
You explain your thought process and tell them they can buy something they want too
I would find an excuse why I did it and perhaps invent that I told them in the past about this...
You match their angry tone or angrier, and demand they not speak to you that way
You are hurt that they would treat you this way without trying to understand
I would immediately break down, apologize and ask for forgiveness
I would tell them how great this purchase was in the hope they will get excited about it
3 of 11
Pick the first photo that elicited some emotional response from you
4 of 11
Scenario: You have worked at a company for 5 years, and were expecting to work much longer. However, you are informed by your manager in his office that due to cuts you are fired. Imagine your first reaction or thoughts.
I'd accept the decision, and make sure to ask for references and maintain a good relations with them
I'd immediately say something like "I don't need this job or this company, I'm too good for you guys.
While caught off guard and upset, I'd tell myself that this may be for the better and I was getting bored anyway
I'd get upset, perhaps cry or just get really depressed right away
I'd get furious with them, and make sure they know it
5 of 11
When you think about your early childhood, how do those memories seem to you?
Bitter sweet
I feel like it happened to someone else
I try not to think about my childhood, it's not a subject I enjoy
It was fine, nothing bad I can really remember
I often think of all the things I missed out on as a child that others didn't
I feel like it's something good I can always lean on
6 of 11
You are invited to the police station to be interviewed. You are told you are a suspect in a serious crime you know you did not commit. What is your immediate reaction?
I will be dumbfounded and shocked
A need to help them and make them like me.
Anger and disbelief, I will demand to know what evidence they have and shout that this is ridiculous.
I will get scared, assert my innocence again and again and start talking about what I was really doing that day.
I will ask why they think this and assert my innocence. I didn't do it so there's nothing to fear.
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If you were serving in the armed forces as a young person, what role would you have preferred / prefer?
Fighter / Commando
Bureaucratic / supply
Musical / Ceremonial
Military Lawyer
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You lost your toddler a few minutes ago and you've been looking for them in the crowd when you suddenly spot an adult leading them by the hand. Your initial reaction will be...
Fly at them like an avenging angel, knock them down or make a huge scene and call for police
Make my way to them, introduce myself and let the person speak. Perhaps they were trying to help my child find me.
Scream at the top of my voice that someone is trying to kidnap my child!
Run at them, take my child's hand forcefully and demand to know what he's doing with my child
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Choose a drawing that you feel has the most impact on you.
10 of 11
You are watching the news: An office shooter, after killing several people and injuring dozens, is caught and then beaten almost to death by security guards. What is your initial thought?
GOOD. I'd do worse.
I'd feel like this is wrong and I shouldn't like that but I do
I'd hope it wasn't as bad as it looked and they will not be too hurt to face justice
I feel bad. There is no reason to harm them in that moment, they were caught
I change the channel, I don't want to think about this
11 of 11
You meet a childhood friend you haven't seen in a long time. While talking about their lives, they go on about something they accomplished you never did (money, family, success etc.). What is your first feeling or action?
Ignore it and put it out of my mind
Try to gently joke about them making me feel bad
I will get internally upset and try to conclude the meet-up as soon as possible
Attempt to feel good for them.
Say something sarcastic about their boastful behavior
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