Pick the Objects and Discover Yourself

Objects are just objects, there is nothing magical to them by themselves. However, the way WE look at objects, weigh them in our mind and attach meaning to them can say so much about us. Let's put it to the test, can we guess some things about you according to your selections?
1 of 10
You are alone at home and in the kitchen when you hear an intruder breaking in. In panic, what is the first weapon you'd probably grab?
2 of 10
You are the ruler of a kingdom during the middle ages, what crown will you wear?
3 of 10
Pick the object that, in your opinion, is the most useful to have at home.
4 of 10
Choose a car you'd like as your main vehicle.
5 of 10
Pick a pair of socks you'd really like to wear at home, where no one can judge you.
6 of 10
Pick a type of mustache and/or beard you like.
7 of 10
Choose a mask.
8 of 10
A close family member dies and asks in their will to be cremated and placed in an urn on your shelf. Choose a container for their ashes:
9 of 10
Choose a statue/sculpture:
10 of 10
Choose a door you'd like to have.
Risk Taker, Brazen
According to your answers, you're a person who is not afraid of doing things that most people would be too scared or... READ MORE
Different, Unique, Ill-Fitting
You're a bit different, aren't you? At least that's what your results seem to indicate. Have you ever felt like you are... READ MORE
Go With the Flow
You have a very astute conception of the world, and you know which way the wind blows, sort of speak. You know societal... READ MORE
Humble and Strong
No matter what you have or what you've achieved, you're not one to show off to everyone about their good fortune. You... READ MORE
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