What Role Do You Play in a Crisis?

In times of crisis, our true nature is often revealed. Some of us take charge, others offer a helping hand, and some keep everyone calm and focused. Whether it's a natural disaster, a sudden emergency, or an unexpected challenge, we all have a role to play. This personality test will help you discover how you’re likely to respond when the pressure is on. Are you the leader who guides others through the storm, the helper who supports those in need, or the optimist who keeps spirits high? By answering these questions, you'll gain insight into your natural crisis role and how you can best contribute when it matters most.
1 of 11
You’re in a crowded public place when you hear a loud explosion nearby. What’s your immediate reaction?
Try to calm those around you and maintain order in the crowd.
Analyze the safest route to exit and consider potential risks.
Rush to help anyone who appears injured or in distress.
Reassure others that everything will be alright and encourage them.
Quickly assess the situation and take charge, organizing people to safety.
2 of 11
During a power outage that might last for days, what do you do first?
Delegate tasks like gathering supplies and setting up a communication plan.
Gather everyone in a common area and keep the mood light to prevent panic.
Stay positive and keep everyone’s spirits up, suggesting games or activities to pass the time.
Check on neighbors, especially those who might need extra help.
Evaluate your resources and start planning how to make them last.
3 of 11
You witness a car accident on a busy road. How do you respond?
Rush to the scene to assist the injured until professionals arrive.
Comfort those involved, keeping a positive tone and offering reassurance.
Make sure bystanders stay calm and try to prevent panic.
Quickly take control of the situation, directing traffic and ensuring someone calls for help.
Assess the scene for potential dangers and plan how best to manage them.
4 of 11
You are an executive in a company during a financial crisis, what’s your first step?
Analyze your finances and start developing a strategy to manage the crisis.
Keep everyone’s spirits up, suggesting ways to stay positive.
Ensure everyone stays calm and focused, avoiding rash decisions.
Call a meeting to discuss the situation and organize a plan of action.
Offer support to anyone particularly affected and find ways to assist them.
5 of 11
A massive fire breaks out in your apartment building. What do you do?
Knock on doors to ensure everyone is aware of the danger and assist those who need help evacuating.
Focus on keeping people calm in the hallway, trying to prevent panic and ensure a smooth evacuation.
Quickly evaluate the safest exit routes and guide people away from potential hazards.
Immediately start directing people to the nearest exits and organizing an evacuation plan.
Encourage everyone to stay calm and reassure them that the firefighters will arrive soon and take control.
6 of 11
A cyberattack shuts down your company’s operations. How do you handle it?
Work to keep the team united, mediating any disagreements that arise under the stress.
Offer help to colleagues who are struggling to manage their tasks manually or who are overwhelmed by the situation.
Rally your team while coordinating with IT, and assigning tasks to manage the crisis.
Remind your team that setbacks happen, but they’ll get through it together and come out stronger.
Assess the scope of the attack, prioritize critical systems to restore, and plan the recovery process.
7 of 11
During a sudden medical emergency in a public place, what’s your first move?
Offer comforting words to those nearby, maintaining a calm and positive tone to reassure everyone.
Manage the crowd, keeping them calm and preventing chaos while help is on the way.
Assess the situation quickly, determining the best way to stabilize the person until help arrives.
Ask if anyone is medically trained, call 911, and ensure the area is clear for emergency responders.
Provide immediate assistance to the person in distress, offering whatever help you can until professionals arrive.
8 of 11
Your child’s school is suddenly put on lockdown. What’s your response?
Reassure your child (if you’re in contact) and other parents that the school is doing everything possible to keep the children safe.
Contact the school to get information and offer to help coordinate communication with other parents.
Encourage the parents around you to stay calm, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a steady head.
Reach out to other parents, offering support and helping those who are particularly anxious.
Gather all the information available and start planning the next steps in case the situation escalates.
9 of 11
A family member suddenly falls seriously ill. How do you handle the situation?
I'd keep a positive outlook, encouraging your family to stay hopeful and strong through the ordeal.
I would work to keep family tensions low, mediating any disagreements and ensuring everyone stays united.
I would research the illness thoroughly, considering all treatment options, and planning the best course of action.
I would coordinate the doctors and keep everyone on schedule
I would focus on providing direct care and emotional support to both the patient and other family members.
10 of 11
During a corporate meeting, a major disagreement erupts between team members. What do you do?
Step in to mediate the discussion, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and guiding them towards a decision.
Lighten the mood by reminding everyone that they’ve worked through tough issues before and can do it again.
Analyze the arguments on both sides, identifying the most practical solution to the problem.
Support your colleagues by validating their concerns and offering to help resolve their issues.
Work to defuse the tension, encouraging cooperation and reminding everyone of the common goal.
11 of 11
You’re at a large outdoor event when the weather suddenly turns dangerous. How do you respond?
Calmly encourage the people around you to stay together and avoid panicking.
Assist those who are struggling to get to safety.
Inform others and direct them to safe shelters.
Reassure everyone that the storm will pass soon and that they’ll be okay.
Scan the surrounding area, determining the safest place to take cover.
The Leader
In a crisis, you are the one who steps up to take charge. You’re decisive, organized, and able to quickly assess a... READ MORE
The Helper
You’re the first to offer assistance when a crisis hits. Your compassionate and empathetic nature drives you to support... READ MORE
The Mediator
You have a natural talent for keeping the peace in stressful situations. When a crisis arises, you focus on maintaining... READ MORE
The Strategist
In a crisis, you are the one who thinks ahead and plans carefully. Your analytical mind allows you to assess situations... READ MORE
The Optimist
Even in the most challenging circumstances, you maintain a positive outlook. Your optimism is contagious, and you help... READ MORE
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