When you were a little kid, what did you like to do?
Play games with kids my age
Walk around and find interesting insects and plants
Get lost in daydreams and adventure stories
What kind of traveling do you like the most?
Hiking in exotic places and sleeping under the skies
Staying at fancy hotels at city centers
Going to a special place for tourists in a group
How do you feel about having a pet?
I cannot see myself living without at least one pet
I don't mind them, as long as they can live in a nice apartment without ruining it
Pets are nice, but only dogs and cats and parrots, the rest are scary and unhygenic.
I like unusual pets like snakes, spiders, exotic birds and alike.
How important is fashion to you?
Not important, I wear whatever is comfortable
I don't like going out or dressing up at all
How do you feel about eating meat?
I eat meat but I still feel bad about it
How much do you think about environmental issues?
I read about it all the time, and it physically hurts me to hear about it
I read about it here and there, it bothers me but I forget about it half an hour later
Not much. It doesn't bother me, someone will fix it eventually
I don't think about it at all
If you had to choose, which of these animals would you be?
What do you drink the most?
Which of these foods do you prefer?
A medium-rare fillet steak
Introverts shy from people, extroverts thrive on people - Where do you find YOURSELF?
Very extrovert - I love people, and I'm at my best surrounded by as many people as possible
Very introvert - I don't like people and I hate crowds, and I like to stay home and just have a few close friends
Somewhere in the middle - I enjoy people but need some time alone every day
Somewhere in the middle - I enjoy being alone most of the time but I miss social engagements once or twice a week