Is the Child In You Still Alive and Kicking?

Some say that the secret to a happy life is simply staying young forever, but of course, this isn’t possible, and each and every one of us must grow up and become a responsible person who contributes to society. However, this doesn’t mean that we should ignore the little kid within us, rather that we need to know when its okay to “let him/her out” and enjoy the world in the best way possible. Does the child inside of you have a voice, or have you forgotten it long ago in a hidden area in your heart? Answer the 12 questions in the next test and find out if the child within you is still alive...
A tent on a mountain
1 of 12
One of your friends organizes a spontaneous trip to a nature reserve during the weekend and invites you. What's the first thing that pops into your head?
How much is it going to cost?
I need to check my calendar and make sure I'm free
Excitement about the break in routine
A messy desk
2 of 12
How would you describe your work environment or your wardrobe?
Messy, but I know where everything is
Neat and bright
Two women lying head to head
3 of 12
How would your friends and family describe you?
A woman stretching out in front of a window
4 of 12
Your boss gave you a day off by surprise. What are you going to do with this time?
I’ll relax
I’ll use it to get things done that I haven’t had the time for until now
I’ll make plans to meet a friend or family member at a coffee shop
I'll do something fun that I haven’t done in a while and wanted to do
A man hugging a dog
5 of 12
Choose the animal you most connect with:
A doctor holding a medical sheet
6 of 12
Your doctor has told you that you should start taking care of your health. What will you do?
I’ll start walking more often, but I won’t change my diet radically
I'll start going to the gym and reduce my fat intake
I’ll continue to do what I’ve done till now without listening to the doctor's advice
A city street
7 of 12
You spotted a musician or actor you admire on the street. How do you react?
I’ll run up to them and ask for a signature
I’ll calmly walk up to them and tell them how much I appreciate their work
I’ll respect their privacy and leave them alone
A woman blowing candles on a birthday cake
8 of 12
What do you want for your birthday?
Gifts, and lots!
A good meal with the people I love.
I want my family and friends to wish me a happy birthday.
A woman having a conversation with a man and smiling
9 of 12
Your friend tells you a story that sounds unbelievable. How do you react?
I’ll tell an even stranger and more unbelievable story
I'll ask lots of questions to really test the story
It's just a story, I can listen without investing too much of myself
People sit and eat around a table
10 of 12
During a family gathering, like a holiday meal, who do you prefer to spend more time with?
With the kids
With the adults
A road
11 of 12
Select your preferred vehicle:
A woman's legs with wool socks, and a book and a hot drink next to them
12 of 12
What do you do when you're sick?
Make soup and making sure there's enough medicine in the closet
Visit the doctor and rest a lot
Lie in bed and let my partner take care of me
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A boy jumping on a trampoline
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