Perception can work in many different ways and still arrive at the same destination. Some of us excel at visual perception, while others rely more on feeling or logic. The way we perceive things says a lot about us, because we use our own unique mind to understand the world around us. Take our perception test, answer our questions truthfully and without delay, and find out just what kind of perception you use in life.
In first glance, how many legs do you see?
The men in the middle of the picture are going:
Which yellow line is longer?
These waves are moving...
Are these cars the same size?
All the red circles are different in size.
How many worshipers can you count before they turn into water?
All the lines in this picture are straight.
Which animal did you see first?
How many circles are in this image?
Shark Perception (Holistic)
Your perception is that of a shark. It is goal oriented and uses shortcuts to see the BIG picture, so that that goal can be achieved. There are certainly biases in your perception, and you may miss some smaller details here and there, but a shark's perception gives you a holistic perception that doesn't get fooled by such details, seeing the complete image and avoiding some perception mistakes committed by people who 'do not see the forest for the trees.'
Wolf Perception (Detailed)
Your perception is that of a wolf, patient and detailed.
The wolf needs good eyes, to see in the dark, to see details of small to large prey, see obstacles when running and always be on the lookout for other predators or dangerous animals. Like the wolf, you are detail-oriented, able to notice the smallest details about most things. While you may sometimes 'miss the forest for the trees', as in sometimes fooled by not seeing the bigger picture, your attention to detail is a very sought-after quality in today's detail-laden world.