How Do You Feel About Humanity?

Humanity is, arguably, the most powerful (and dangerous) force on this planet. We have made so many changes to earth in the last 200 years. As a species, there's so much we can do, for good or bad. How do you feel about us as a species, do you like humanity or do think it's leading someplace bad? Answer honestly and find out...
How do you feel about climate change?
I think it's made up or the scientists are dead wrong
I think that we've really screwed up and we won't be able to salvage the planet
I think we caused it but we will also fix it with technology
I think it's real but not that big a deal
What's your opinion of this sentence: "This is the best era in human history."
Yea right, the world is going to heck in handbasket
That's probably true, we're getting kinder and more educated
It may be true, but it sure doesn't feel like it
Pick the worst problem you think humanity is dealing with.
Social Media
Climate change
Lack of compassion
Have you ever wanted to be a powerful ruler?
Yes, so I can guide people to the right path
Yes, so I can make this place better
Yes, most people don't know what's good for them
No, it holds no interest to me
Complete the sentence: "Humans are inherently _______"
What kind of people do you like the most?
People who are most like me
People who are kind to each other and to animals
People who leave me to my own devices
Introverts and people who prefer peace and quiet
Most people, as long as they aren't especially terrible
Which animal would you be, if you could choose?
Pick your favorite activity:
Concerts, plays and parties
Being alone or with my partner, reading or watching television
Being alone with my books and thoughts
Being with a few friends (and perhaps pets)
Who would you rather spend time with?
My family
My pets and/or animals in general
My closest friend
By myself
Do you think world peace is coming in the near future?
No, and I don't think it'll ever happen
Maybe, but not in my lifetime
Yes, I think technology will bring us there soon
No and we wouldn't know what to do with it if we had it
Do you think any person can be redeemed?
No, some people have done too much to ever be redeemed
I don't believe in redemption. Some crimes cannot be atoned for.
Yes, anyone can change enough to atone for what they've done
Perhaps, but most will never make the effort
You Despise Humanity
Humanity is quite doomed. Not because of events outside its control, but because it is selfish, ignorant and wasteful. Humans, to you, have been given the best of all worlds and have squandered it: Disease, war, ignorance, murder and of course - greed. Humanity has lost its way, making you tired of the problems it creates. <br><br> This doesn't mean you don't like and love individual people, such as close friends and family, but you do NOT trust humanity, you don't think it has a bright future and you think that in general, people cannot be trusted. This is not an uncommon way to feel about humanity these days, as we struggle with diseases, wars and poverty around the world. Just remember to judge each person on a case by case basis...
You Have Mixed Feelings
You don't hate humanity, nor do you think humans are some kind of angels come to earth. You, like most people, have mixed feelings. On the one hand, you hate what humans have done to animals and to the environment, and you don't feel like many people are trustworthy. <br><br> On the other hand, humans are capable of so much good, like charity, being helpful and inventing things that make life better for everyone. Some people are greedy, while others are incredibly altruistic, some area mean while others are kind. Your view of humanity changes from time to time, according to what is happening, but you'll never feel like all of humanity is bad.
You Love Humanity
You love your species and are proud of it. Humans are capable of so much good, like charity, being helpful and inventing things that make life better for everyone. Humans have invented beauty, art, laughter and helping other species just to help them. <br><br>Of course, you're aware that some people do horrible, selfish things, but you believe that in their most innate form, people want to be good. It's life that put hurdles in our way that make us do selfish things, but humanity is a power for good. In the end, you believe, we will overcome all our shortcomings, and make this planet a paradise.
You Like Humanity... With Reservations
You like your species and sometimes, you feel quite proud of it. Humans are capable of so much good, like charity, being helpful and inventing things that make life better for everyone. Humans have invented beauty, art, laughter and helping other species just to help them. <br><br> That said, you are worried about the direction humanity is taking. You feel like humanity has lost its way. People want to be good, but the current culture and the way things are - humanity is not as good as it used to be, and is getting worse day by day, which makes you feel quite pessimistic about the direction us humans are taking. You are slowly losing your faith in your fellow humans.
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