How Do You Communicate Your Love?

No matter who you are, you are someone who expresses love for another and longs to receive love in return. Yet, we do not all express love in the same way, even long time partners have a different way of showing their affections to one another. How do you show your lover how you feel? Find out by taking this ultimate loversโ€™ test.
1 of 9
Which of these is the sweetest thing your partner could do for you?
A bouquet of flowers, or give me their big T-shirt to sleep in.
A romantic or passionate kiss.
A surprise trip to a quiet place.
Takie me to the doctor if I'm unwell.
A touching compliment when I'm feeling down.
2 of 9
Which one of these are you most likely to do for your love?
Cook them dinner after a hard day.
Bring home a special present for no reason.
Give them a back rub without being asked.
Do something special - in private.
Leave a love note for them.
3 of 9
How vital is the integration of family into your relationship?
Not vital
Very important
Quite important
Absolutely vital
4 of 9
How long can you stand to be away from your partner?
2 or 3 days, max.
I'm not sure. It depends.
A couple of weeks is okay.
A week is fine.
No more than 1 day.
5 of 9
How would you react if your significant other did not want to do anything for St. Valentine's Day?
I'd be very upset.
I'd figure out something for us to do to celebrate anyway.
I'd tell them to accept it and try to enjoy it.
I wouldn't mind.
I'd ask for a good reason why not.
6 of 9
Which of your partner's qualities do you love the most?
That they know what I need without me saying anything.
That they know what I like and value.
That we can sit together in silent peace.
That I can speak to them freely.
How they make me feel when they hold me.
7 of 9
What do you usually do when you spend quality time together?
Talk about our days.
Sit together, watch TV or a movie.
It's hard for us to find the time.
Something else we enjoy doing.
Share a hot bath/shower.
8 of 9
Which of the following complaints would an old flame least likely have to say about you?
That I was too negative.
That I never gave them anything nice.
That I was too cold, physically.
That I didn't give them enough attention.
That I was too selfish.
9 of 9
How much do you approve of and like public displays of affection?
A little.
I LOVE them.
I like them.
Not at all.
Sweet Words
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Physical Touch
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