What Gift Do You Give Your Family?

Every person has an important role in their family fabric, supported by their strengths, personality and abilities. You may never have been clear to you, so we are here with a test that can reveal your natural strengths and unique contribution to your family and environment. You should pay attention to this topic that identification and understanding of your role in the family can turn tensions into sources of connection, and refinement. In other words, this is not just a job, but actually a gift - one that contributes to you and the people you are most expensive. At the end of the test, we will tell you some insights that will help you enhance your natural strengths and also understand how your unique job contributes to family and family happiness.
Family Gift Test: Birthday celebrations
How many of your family's birthdays are you remember by heart?
Two or three
Of all my immediate family's
Of the immediate family and a few more important relatives
I remember most relatives'
Family Gift Test: Family meal
What is most important to you during a family meal?
Develop conversation and hear what's new for everyone
That everyone will be comfortable and pleasant
That it's funny and fun
That everyone will help arrange the table and evacuate the food
That it has a delicious dessert
Family Gift Test: Old Photo Album
When talking about childhood pictures in a family encounter, how do you usually respond?
Enjoys telling the stories behind the pictures and restore family memories
Enthusiastic to organize and preserve the images in the album or digitally
Especially interested in the reactions of the younger generation for past stories
Share insights on how the past affected the family present
Photograph or document the current moment to preserve it for the future
Family Gift Test: Mama and Bat Berb
When a family debate arises, what is most disturbing to you?
That the tension will impair long-term relationships
That people don't really listen to the other's perspective
Not reaching a practical solution to a problem
That the evening is getting ruined by politics or personal grievances
That our parents or other relatives wouldn't like us fighting
Family Gift Test: A woman is provided
Which of the following family activities gives you the most satisfaction?
Helping a family member to overcome an obstacle or achieve a purpose
Creating or preserving significant family traditions
Solving practical problems and facilitate family daily life
Being an attentive ear and emotional support when needed
Initiating meetings and activities that connect the whole family
Family Gift Test: Home
When you think about your home, what's most important to you?
Have a comfortable and inviting place to host family and friends
To be organized and tidy in a way that makes it easier for daily life
That it reflects family history and personal identity
That has a space that allows anyone to develop and grow
That it provides a sense of security and stability
Family Gift Test: Clock in palms
Everyone left the house and now you're alone, what would help you spend the free time?
I will meet with friends or go out for another time out of home
I will update what happens with people and other relatives using phones or social networks
I will stay at home and recharge my energy without doing anything special
I will invest in a favorite hobby or a field of work that has been in a long time I have been inaugurated
I don't really have free time, I will save the quiet to make assignments and arrangements quietly
Family Gift Test: Construction Plan
What image reflects the style of home decor that attracts you?
Family Gift Test: Internal Design of Home
Family Gift Test: Internal Design of Home
Family Gift Test: Internal Design of Home
Family Gift Test: Internal Design of Home
Family Gift Test: sad dog
What negative feature of the following is the worst do you think?
Lack of loyalty
Family Gift Test: A child with games
Which board game or girlfriend you enjoy playing during your childhood?
Card Games
Table Games (Chess, Checkers, Backgammon)
Truth or Dare and other drinking games
Monopoly and other board games
Family Gift Test: Father Inauguration Ben
If you could leave one legacy to your family, what would you like to be?
Strong values โ€‹โ€‹and principles that will guide future generations
Family traditions and ceremonies that will continue for generations
Savings and some teaching of Responsible Economic Conduct
A personal example of dealing with challenges and growth
Strong ties and mutual support between family members
Family Gift Test: Small and Money
If your approach to money and a family budget should be described in one sentence, what will be the most appropriate sentence?
"It is important for everyone to feel that their economic needs are given a fair response"
"Investing in experiences that create family memories is worth it"
"It is important to me that we are planning forward and being financially organized"
"You should save for the future, but also invest in personal growth of every family member"
"An economic safety net should be built to support the family in any situation"
Family Gift Test: Bat, Mama and Grandma
How do you think of your job when it comes to transferring values โ€‹โ€‹to the younger generation in the family?
Towning family storytelling that transfers values โ€‹โ€‹and lessons
Encourages independent thinking and discovery of personal values
Demonstrates values โ€‹โ€‹through consistent daily behavioral example
Creates open discourse opportunities on moral values โ€‹โ€‹and dilemmas
Places clear boundaries that reflect family values
Family Gift Test: Family moves an apartment
In the hypothetical situation where the family has to move, which aspect of the transition will be the most important for you?
Helping every family member to emotionally adapt to change
Finding ways to preserve history and memories in the new home as well
Creating a sense of stability and confidence within the change period
Making sure the transition will have a chance for growth and new experiences for everyone
Arranging the logistics so that the transition is effective and tidy
The paste that connects everyone
Family Gift Test: Dad hugs a daughter
The gift your family gets from you is like a glue that holds everyone together. As an author's type, it is easy and natural for you to produce opportunities for family sessions - from joint dinners to trips and parties - which are the moments from which the strong connections are built. It is very important for you to keep in touch with the people who keep you, even when a great distance separates you. You have a special gift to identify when someone feels disconnected or distant, and find exactly the right way to re -combine it. Your developed social sensitivity allows you to notice delicate family dynamics that others may miss. <br> <br> Your main strengths include deep empathy - you can really feel what's going on; Active listening - not only to hear the words but understand the meaning and emotion behind them; Creating harmony - talent to turn tension into collaboration; And identifying emotional needs - distinguish what is not stated but shown in gentle ways.
Connection to traditions and memories
Family Gift Test: Child and Mama together
The gift your family gets from you is a sense of history, identity and roots. As a traditional type (not necessarily in a religious sense), it is important for you to preserve the customs and memories that make your family special. You have an impressive ability to identify the small details that make moments memorable - a special scent of family food, traditional melody, or a story that goes from generation to generation. While others sometimes tend to underestimate family ceremonies and perceive them as some of their busy life, it is perfectly clear to you that they have deep meaning as anchors of wonderful family identity. <br> <br> Your main strengths include attention to details - it is important for you to remember special parts of family history; Organization - It is important for you to have and participate in special family events; History Reservation - In pictures, videos, newspaper, old photo albums and of course in memory; And a connection to the past - which provides your family with a deep sense of belonging and continuity.
Stabilized and supportive power
Family Gift Test: Grandma and Girl
The gift that your family gets from you is trusting, stability and reliable presence. As a stabilizing and supportive type, you have a role as a kind of stable "anchor" that everyone can lean. You have a special ability to maintain calm and judgment in challenging situations as well. When everyone around you is swept away with emotions or anxiety, your brain remains concentrated and offers a balanced and relaxing perspective. Your support is always practical and tangible - best in your opinion to talk to the help of actions and not just with words. Your role in the family is critical, it is actually a safety net that allows everyone to grow, develop and risk. <br> <br> Your main strengths include reliability - promising you is something that can be trusted; Practical - It's easy for you to help others with practical solutions and not just encouraging words; Crossing during a crisis - of your whole family you probably hard to press you; And generosity - it's natural for you to give yourself, your time and your resources without expecting the return.
Support for dreams
Family Gift Test: Dad and Son on a basketball court
The gift that your family gets from you is the ability to dream big and push people forward, along with a stable belief in the abilities of its various friends. Thanks to a personality and inspirational character, your family draws power from you to move forward and develop. At the same time, you have a special ability to identify family members' talents and abilities - even those who themselves are unaware of. It's easy for you to see beyond what there is, and strive for what can be, which encourages the people around you to dream big and get out of their comfort zone. It is important to tell you that most of the time it is done gently and out of love, and not in criticism or pressure, but in any case you should pay attention to this issue and not cross the boundaries of the people who are good as they are. <br> <br> Your main strengths include optimism - it's easy for you to see options instead of restrictions; Motivation - Your family can always trust your encouragement; Seeing the potential and support for dreams - you have a belief in others that is sometimes much greater than they have themselves.
Balance and planning
Family Gift Test: Mama and a worker in front of a computer
The gift your family gets from you is a direction, order and strategic vision. As a balance of balance and planning, it is natural for you to enter the strategic brain role that helps the family navigate confidence in the complex way of life. You have a special talent for organizing and creating systems that work, and not only in the technical and practical sense. It is also likely that you have a tendency to think a few steps forward to identify long -term implications of daily decisions, and also think a lot about what needs to be done today to ensure the family is better tomorrow. When others drift with emotions or lose control, you have a rational point of view. When there is only a focus in the short term that can harm the future family, your gift allows you to protect it. <br> <br> Your main strengths include systemic vision - it's easy for you to see how all parts connect to pay; Organization - It is clear to you how much damage is caused by order and some important arrangement for family and home; And balanced decision making - there is a lot of room for emotions in your decision -making process, but also for healthy logic and judgment.
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