Choose Art to Discover Your Artistic Self

When it comes to art, there is no wrong answer. What attracts us is beyond logic. Art speaks to us in many tongues: in beauty, in meaning, in color and form. Art exists outside us, inside us and everywhere in our imaginations. For this quiz, we ask you to choose the paintings that most speak to you IN THE MOMENT. Make your choices honest, and we will tell you about your artistic spirit.
1 of 11
Pick a painting of a woman.
2 of 11
Pick a painting of a man.
3 of 11
Pick a painting of a horse.
4 of 11
Choose a painting of a lion.
5 of 11
Choose a painting of the ocean.
6 of 11
Pick a painting of a city.
7 of 11
Pick a painting of a forest.
8 of 11
Pick a romantic painting.
9 of 11
Pick a spiritual painting.
10 of 11
Pick a family painting
11 of 11
Pick a self-portrait. (Pick by art, not by how much they resemble you)
Personally Artistic
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That adage is very true for you. Beauty, for you, can come from traditional... READ MORE
Art Comes From the Outside
Your sense of beauty comes from the form, from the material plane, and from the outside. The natural world, the... READ MORE
Art Comes From Within
For you, art has always existed. You were born with it long before you learned to appreciate your first painting or... READ MORE
Beauty is a Matter of Imagination
You find regular art, even if beautiful, less so if it doesn't use imagination to create something TRULY fantastic. You... READ MORE
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