Are You Stressed?

Stress is a part of our everyday life. Sometimes we worry, sometimes we feel frightened. Everyone deals with their stress in their own way. But sometimes we're stressed and not even aware of it. We think of it as being distracted, or having trouble sleeping, when the truth is we are just stressed out. Take our test and find out for yourself how stressed you really are.
1 of 18
Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
Yes, often.
Yes, sometimes.
No, never.
2 of 18
Has your appetite for bedroom intimacy decreased?
It's maybe gone down a bit
No, everything is pretty much the same as ever
3 of 18
Do you have problems concentrating?
Not often
Yes, often
4 of 18
Do you often feel overwhelmed by demands on your time?
Yes, from time to time
Yes, frequently
5 of 18
Do you often suffer from dizzy spells or headaches?
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
6 of 18
Do you ever feel nauseous even though your are healthy?
Almost never
Yes, frequently
Yes, from time to time
7 of 18
How often do you suffer from an upset stomach (including constipation, vomiting, diarrhea)?
Very rarely
8 of 18
Do you ever feel tired and low on energy?
Yes, a lot
Yes, sometimes
Not so much
9 of 18
How often do you get colds and other infections?
10 of 18
How often do you feel disinterested in the things happening around you?
11 of 18
How often is it that you feel you can't make decisions.
12 of 18
Do you ever feel your heart is beating too quickly, or experience chest pains?
Yes, frequently
No, or hardly ever.
Yes, now and then
13 of 18
Do you have low self-esteem?
Yes, I do
Maybe, depends on the day
No, not really
14 of 18
Do you often replay and think through things again and again in your mind?
Not that much
Yes, all the time
Yes, now and then
15 of 18
Are you often distracted?
Hardly ever
Yes, sometimes
Yes, a lot
16 of 18
Are you constantly worrying?
17 of 18
Do you ever use alcohol, tobacco or narcotics to ease the pressure?
No, or not very much anyway
Yes, a lot
18 of 18
How often are you irritated with your nearest and dearest?
Just every now and then
Not Stressed
A Little Stressed
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