Are You In the Past, Present or Future?

Do you miss the past or do you live in the now? Do you wish you were born in the near future or maybe in a distant technological one? Take our quiz below and answers all our questions honestly to see when it is you truly reside.
1 of 15
Which website or app do you use the most?
2 of 15
What kind of manners do you find most important?
Manners between debaters - Keeping to social rules and decency
I really don't care about manners or being polite
Manners between family members - being respectful and polite
Manners between strangers - opening doors, being polite
Manners between neighbors - Being good and polite neighbors
Supporting other people's choices as long as they don't hurt others
3 of 15
How do you feel about marriage?
I don't really spend much time thinking about it
I don't like putting labels on things
It's a very important concept to me
I dislike what is happening to the concept of marriage recently
4 of 15
Do you like watching movies?
Yes, at home
Yes! Especially in the cinema
I prefer videos
I prefer a good book
5 of 15
How long do you think people should live?
People should live forever
As long as they can, even if it's 1000 years old
Around 100 years, no more
Around 80 is enough
6 of 15
Do you smoke?
I smoke electronic cigarettes
I used to but I quit
I hate smoking and have never been a smoker
I smoke weed
On occasion
Like a chimney
7 of 15
What is the biggest problem facing the world today, in your opinion?
The climate
8 of 15
Which future dystopia scares you the most?
An over-technological dystopia where we are ruled by machines
Big brother dystopia where you are watched and brainwashed (1984 style)
An authoritarian regime ruled by a fascist dictator (Nazi Germany style)
An oppressive religious theocracy (Handmaid's Tale style)
Post-apocalyptic anarchism where people fight each other for resources (Mad Max style)
9 of 15
How do you usually dress?
In something comfortable
In anything anachronistic
Probably in a jeans and shirt
In a suit or formal dress
In something nice and pretty
10 of 15
Who do you think deserves the most respect?
The police
People of strong faith
People who work for non-profit organisations
Technology inventing billionaires
People doing physical labor
11 of 15
When do you listen to the radio?
On my computer
In my car
In my car and at home
On my phone when I don't have music on
12 of 15
Which music style do you prefer?
Experimental Jazz
Soft Jazz
Hip Hop
13 of 15
Do you think people with "enhanced" limbs should be able to compete in sports?
Only if they had to do it due to an injury
Yes, I don't see a problem with that
I would prefer if all athletes were enhanced for more impressive play
I think that would destroy the fun of the game
Absolutely not
14 of 15
Complete the sentence: "People are far too __________ today."
Addicted to Technology
15 of 15
Which of these is most important for happiness?
A stable relationship and/or family
Self Fulfillment
Fulfilling all fantasies
True Love
Personal freedom
You Miss the Glorious Past
Ah, the glorious past, when people believed in good manners, strong family values, decency and hard work. You find... READ MORE
You Live in the Present
You live in the here and now. You know what's going on in the world, and you pride yourself on staying current. You... READ MORE
You Look Forward to the Future
The future doesn't seem very far to you. In fact, you've already started living there. You adore technology and... READ MORE
You Wish It Was the Far Future
The future isn't enough for you, you want to live in the FAR future. You may have grown up reading all the science... READ MORE
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