Are You Burnt-Out, Stressed or is All Under Control?

In a world where smartphones are an ever-present companion, our lives have been transformed. Now connected 24/7 to social networks, inundated with constant news updates and messages, many of us find ourselves working longer and harder than ever. Perhaps you, too, find yourself caught in a cycle of perpetual chores and commitments, leaving little time for friends and family. This relentless pace can take a toll on your mental well-being, but just how much? By answering the following questions, you can determine whether you need a respite to overcome burnout, or if stress management techniques are in order. Conversely, everything might be perfectly fine, and what you're experiencing could simply be the ebb and flow of life that we all navigate. Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax as you embark on this self-assessment.
Are you worn out or stressed: a clock and a working man
1 of 12
How many hours do you work a day?
More than 8
4 or less
Are you worn out or stressed: A man works in front of a computer on Mt
2 of 12
Do you work from home or do you go to work every day?
I work at a place that is more than an hour away from my house
I work at a place that is less than an hour away from my house
I work from home or in a combo model (home and office)
Are you worn out or stressed: A woman dressed half in a suit and half in sportswear
3 of 12
Do you engage in physical activity?
I try at least once a week
Yes, several times a week
Not really
Are you worn out or stressed: colored gears
4 of 12
Choose the color that reflects your feeling while working:
Are you worn out or stressed: yellow
Are you worn out or stressed: red
Are you worn out or stressed: blue
Are you worn out or stressed: Old couple
5 of 12
What is the last thing you think about before you fall asleep?
My problems
My future
My job
Are you worn out or stressed: a woman holding her head
6 of 12
Which negative emotion do you experience more during your life?
Are you worn out or stressed: Woman eating pizza in the office
7 of 12
What do you usually eat while working?
Food I brought from home
Fast food I order
Home bought food
Are you worn out or stressed: a hand holding a phone with an incoming call
8 of 12
Do you like hearing your phone ring in the evening?
Yes, I like being called
No, I'd rather be left alone
Only if it's a conversation I'm looking forward to
Are you worn out or stressed: some use smartphones and computers on social networks
9 of 12
How many hours a day do you spend scrolling through social networks?
Two hours? maybe more?
No more than an hour
More than two hours
Are you worn out or stressed: a man works in the dark in front of a computer
10 of 12
Do you tend to check things related to work after work hours?
Yes, regularly
Yes, sometimes and if it is required
No, and even if they ask, I probably won't do it
Are you worn out or stressed: A man sits on a bed holding his head
11 of 12
What do you tend to suffer more?
Abdominal pain
Are you worn out or stressed: desktop
12 of 12
What would you change or upgrade in your work?
The fast pace at which you have to work
The people I work with
My workstation or the tools I use
Everything is under control
Are you tired or stressed: a woman signals "OK" with her hand
Your result shows that you manage to balance your life, and even know how to identify your feelings and emotions as... READ MORE
You suffer a little stress, but that's all
Are you worn out or stressed: a man in front of a computer holding his head
Your result shows that there are indeed several things in your life that add to your stress level. While stress can be... READ MORE
You are definitely suffering from burnout
Are you worn out or stressed: Man with a stone pressing on his head directly on a laptop
Your result shows that you suffer from severe erosion. Burnout is not just tiredness from what you do - it is a... READ MORE
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