Most of us have learned of Roman numerals at school. The system that was replaced by the Math we know today based on the 10 numbers. This system used Latin letters to indicate the number, and the placement of the letters would change the number completely. Do you think you understand it well enough to get a good grade on this ancient Math test?
Try Again...
Roman numerals may not be your thing, or perhaps there were one or two letters you didn't know to account for.. In any case, it seems you may want to try this test again, or refresh your knowledge of Roman numerals.
Well Done!
You did pretty well on this ancient Roman math test! You clearly know how to solve these problems and you're not afraid to look to solve other, more challenging ones too! You're not afraid of a challenge, and you may have not known all the numerals starting! If so, that's really impressive. Have a look at your mistakes or have another go at it!
You ACED It!
Congratulations! You aced the ancient Roman math test! You clearly know how to solve these problems and you're not afraid to look to solve other, more challenging ones too! You're definitely smarter than the average, and are ready to take on any numerical challenge that you may encounter down the line!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12