How good are you at telling numbers of things? Well, this visual estimation test was made to answer that question. In this quiz, you'll be asked to estimate how many of something you are seeing. Now don't go and count them! Try to give a rough estimate, and try to trust your eyes...
How many pieces make up this puzzle?
How many letters are in this image?
How many dots are in this image?
How many goldfish are swimming in this image?
How many cats are in this image?
How many gumballs are in this image?
How many lines are in this image?
How many complete hearts are in this image?
How many triangles make up this image?
How many stars are in this image?
Low Visual Estimation Ability
You have a lower-than-average connection between your visual cortex and the part of your brain that counts and makes quick calculations. These kinds of calculations are actually done by you without your knowledge, as a subconscious part that has a much higher capacity than we do when we're consciously trying to count something. By your results, however, your connection isn't great. This of course could be because you weren't really listening to your guy instinct. You can try again, and this time - go with your immediate calculation.
Good Visual Estimation Ability
You have a decent connection between some parts of your brain, namely the visual cortex and the part of your brain that does quick calculations. These kinds of calculations are actually done by you without your knowledge, as a subconscious part that has a much higher capacity than we do when we're consciously trying to count something. By your results, your connection is quite good, giving you the ability to sometimes give good rough estimates. Other times, you may miss the mark a bit.
Superb Visual Estimation Ability
You have a very good connection between some parts of your brain, namely the visual cortex and the part of your brain that does quick calculations. These kinds of calculations are actually done by you without your knowledge, as a subconscious part that has a much higher capacity than we do when we're consciously trying to count something. By your results, your connection is absolutely terrific, giving you the ability to give great rough estimations.