Visual IQ is a tricky thing to explain sometimes. Some people are incredibly good at word puzzles but can be stumped when presented with a maze. Some people may recognize patterns easily, but fail math questions they should know how to solve. Visual IQ, then, is not actual IQ, but a measurement of how well we recognize and analyze patterns in what we see. In this test, for example, you will be asked to identify the word that is partially erased. The more you get correct, the better your visual IQ! You will have 25 seconds for each word. Good luck!
Don't worry, timer hasn't started yet. This first question is off the clock. Can you make out this partially erased word? What does it say?
You now have 25 seconds to answer this one! Which word is it?
Clock is ticking... Which word is it?
Take another stab at it...
According to this, you may have a low visual IQ or pattern matching abilities. This may be a 'false negative' and it's important to try again before looking at the results. Try to be at a low light environment and rested.
You Have Normal to Slightly Above-normal Visual IQ
You did well to have recognized the words through the changing patterns. You didn't get them all right, but you did get enough to make your visual IQ and pattern matching at the normal to slightly above normal range. Good job!
High Visual IQ!
Nailed it!! You're visual IQ is exceptionally high, which means you're "picture-smart". You are instinctively able to visualize patterns with your mind’s eye and think in three dimensions. Pilots, sculptors, painters, writers, and architects all have high visual Intelligence. SHARE this unique Visual IQ test to test your friends.
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