How many seeds can a single dandelion head produce?
Just one dandelion head can end up producing as many as 200 seeds!
On average, how many times a week does a cow lie down and stand up?
On average, a cow moves from a lying to a standing position or vice versa 98 times per week.
How much of the 1975 AMC Pacer is made up of glass?
The 1975 AMC Pacer's surface area consists of 37.4% glass!
Traveling at 220 mph, how many times will the average open-wheel race car's front tires rotate each minute?
At 220 mph, the average race car's wheels will spin 2,580 times each minute.
How many coil springs are inside an average queen-sized mattress?
There are around 395 coil springs in an average queen-sized mattress.
How many miles of wire thread can you make with an ounce of gold?
An ounce of gold should be able to make 49.5 miles of wire thread.
What are the odds of rolling a pair of sixes with two dice?
Your odds of rolling a pair of sixes are just 1 in 36!
How many cups of strawberries contain the same amount of calories as a 32 oz. McDonald's Triple Thick Strawberry Milkshake?
A 32 oz. Triple Thick Strawberry Milkshake contains 1110 calories, which is equivalent to almost 21 cups of strawberries.
How many glasses of milk can an average dairy cow produce on a daily basis?
An average dairy cow will produce around 90 glasses of milk each day!
How many bees are required to produce a single tablespoon of honey?
The entire lifespan of 12 bees is required to produce a single tablespoon of honey.
How many of 2017's U.S. dollars equal the purchasing power of $500 in 1850?
$500 in 1850 would have been equal to about $15,052 in 2017.
How many feet of continuous line can a single BIC ballpoint pen produce?
A BIC ballpoint pen can draw a single line around 9,504 feet long!
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