Which Event Doesn't Belong?

It's time to challenge your knowledge of historic events! It's one thing to know that they occurred, but do you know WHEN? This unique test will present you with 3 events that happened in the same century, and one that didn't. Test your historical savvy and see how well you know the timeline of major events that shaped our modern world by picking the event that did NOT happen in the same century as the others. Good luck!
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 19th century?
The French Revolution
The invention of the telephone
The abolition of slavery in the USA
The start of the Industrial Revolution
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 18th century?
The American Declaration of Independence
The publication of "The Wealth of Nations"
The founding of Jamestown
The invention of the steam engine
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 17th century?
The execution of Charles I of England
The start of the Thirty Years' War
The Glorious Revolution
The Protestant Reformation begins
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 16th century?
Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses
The beginning of the Protestant Reformation
The defeat of the Spanish Armada
The signing of the Magna Carta
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 20th century?
The Titanic sank
The Wright brothers' first flight
The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
The invention of the light bulb
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 15th century?
The fall of Constantinople
Columbus's first voyage to the Americas
The start of the Hundred Years' War
The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 14th century?
The Black Death in Europe
The start of the Hundred Years' War
The Magellan Expedition
The founding of the Ottoman Empire
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 1st century?
The birth of Jesus Christ
The Great Fire of Rome
The reign of Augustus
The founding of Constantinople
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 4th century BC?
The Peloponnesian War
The reign of Alexander the Great
The founding of Rome
The Battle of Issus
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 19th century?
The American Civil War
The invention of the light bulb
The California Gold Rush
The end of the Polish-Lithuanian republic
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 20th century?
The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
The fall of the Berlin Wall
The September 11 attacks
The invention of air conditioning
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 15th century?
The fall of Granada
The birth of Leonardo da Vinci
The completion of the Sistine Chapel ceiling
The beginning of the "Age of Exploration"
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 19th century?
The invention of the telephone
The abolition of slavery in the USA
The publication of "The Communist Manifesto"
The French Revolution
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 17th century?
The founding of Harvard University
The founding of Philadelphia
The Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock
The founding of Washington D.C.
Which of these events did NOT happen in the 16th century?
The birth of William Shakespeare
The establishment of the Mughal Empire
The English Civil War
The beginning of the Protestant Reformation
Let's try that again...
You have a budding interest in history, but there’s more to explore! While the 20th century was full of significant events, understanding the precise timeline can be tricky. Keep reading and learning about different historical periods to improve your knowledge. You’ll be an expert in no time with a bit of effort and curiosity.
Not bad!
Good job! You have a solid grasp of major 20th-century events and can distinguish them from those in nearby centuries. Your knowledge is impressive, but there’s always room for a deeper dive into historical details. Keep up the good work and continue exploring history to enhance your understanding further.
Excellent! You have a keen sense of history and a thorough understanding of the events of the 20th century and beyond. Your ability to pinpoint when events happened shows a strong grasp of the historical timeline. Keep nurturing your interest in history, as your knowledge is already at an expert level. Well done!
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