The History of Cars

From the first gas-powered automobile to the fanciest supercar of the 21st century, cars have been a huge part of modern history, and their use skyrocketed very quickly, displacing horses and forming our cities as we know them today. How much do you know about the history of these popular vehicles?
1 of 12
What was the first mass-manufactured car?
The 'Stanley Steamer'
The Fiat 4 HP
The Ford Model T
The French Panhard-Levassor
2 of 12
The Famous Ford Model T automobile came in how many colors?
Two - black and red
Three - black, red and blue
Four - black, red, blue and purple
One - black
3 of 12
Which of these cars is driven by her majesty's favorite secret agent James Bond?
1968 Ford Mustang Fastback
Lotus Esprit S1 Wet Nellie
DeLorean DMC-12
Aston Martin DB5
4 of 12
True or False: In 1895, the first automobile race went from Madrid to Prague (1101 miles / 1772 kilometers)
5 of 12
Who invented the very first automobile, patented as a 'Vehicle powered by a gas engine' in 1886?
Henry Ford
William C. Durant
Carl Benz
David Buick
6 of 12
The internal combustion engine as we know it today was invented by...
Nicolaus Otto
Henry Ford
Carl Benz
7 of 12
Which car manufacturer increased safety by introducing the three-point seatbelts in the late 1950s?
8 of 12
After designing the three-point seatbelt, what did the car manufacturer do next?
Made other car manufacturers pay to buy the design
Made other car manufacturers rent it
Give the design away for free
Hid the design for 10 years
9 of 12
In 1940, the Packard 180 was the first car to offer THIS as a standard option.
Air Conditioning
Cup Holder
Power Steering
10 of 12
True or False: The top speed of the Benz Motorwagen, the first practical automobile, was 6mph (10kph)
11 of 12
In which decade were airbags first introduced?
12 of 12
Which American muscle car is affectionately known as 'The Boss'?
None of these
AMC Pacer
Ford Mustang
Chevrolet Bel Air
Not Much Into Cars?
So you didn't score much in this quiz, but you really don't need to know this stuff to be a good driver! It's just... READ MORE
Car Enthusiast
You have quite a bit of knowledge about the super popular vehicle the whole world uses every day! The car is a huge... READ MORE
Car Historian
You know so much! When it comes to cars, you really know your stuff. The car is a huge part of 19th and 20th century... READ MORE
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