The Great European History Quiz

The history of Europe is a broad and incredibly complex subject to study, that is loved by millions of people around the world. But how much do you think you know about it? Do you think you know exactly what caused the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as who or what caused the end of the Roman Empire? Give this trivia quiz a go, and see if you've got what it takes!
loading a cannon during WWI
1 of 20
Whose assassination marked the start of WWI?
Wilfred Owen
Wilhelm II
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
hands raised in the air at dusk
2 of 20
Which came first, the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution?
The Russian Revolution
The French Revolution
Berlin Wall graffiti
3 of 20
When did the Berlin Wall fall?
Gutenberg’s printing press
4 of 20
TRUE or FALSE: Gutenberg’s printing press was created in the late 9th Century.
False in bubble
True in bubble
5 of 20
In 1961, who became the first man in space?
Neil Armstrong
Nikolai Budarin
Yuri Gagarin
European map with pins in it
6 of 20
Who is known as the father of modern Europe?
Battle of Hastings reenactment
7 of 20
TRUE or FALSE: The Battle of Hastings started in 1066.
True in bubble
False in bubble
Reformation artwork
8 of 20
Whose ideals sparked the Reformation?
Martin Luther
Pope Innocent XII
Henry VIII of England
French Revolution artwork
9 of 20
Which king was assassinated during the French Revolution?
King Charles IX
King Louis XVI
King Philip III
Roman charioteer
10 of 20
When was the Roman Empire established?
artwork of the Gunpowder Plot
11 of 20
Which British monarch did Guy Fawkes and his co-plotters plan to assassinate through the Gunpowder Plot?
King James I
Queen Victoria
King Edward VII
model of old Dutch town
12 of 20
TRUE or FALSE: The Dutch were once ruled by the Spanish.
True in bubble
False in bubble
painting of Hundred Years' War
13 of 20
How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
2 years
116 years
100 years
smoke coming from factories
14 of 20
When did the Industrial Revolution begin?
In the 18th Century
In the 16th Century
In the 20th Century
two crowns on black background
15 of 20
Who was crowned emperor of France following the French Revolution?
Louis XVI
Napoleon Bonaparte
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Spanish Inquisition painting
16 of 20
When did the Spanish Inquisition begin?
Battle of Cannae
17 of 20
TRUE or FALSE: The Romans defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae.
True in bubble
False in bubble
St. Peter's Basilica
18 of 20
Which pope's poor decisions led to Rome being sacked in 1527?
Pope Urban VIII
Pope Leo X
Pope Clement VII
Statue of Peter the Great
19 of 20
Who was the last of the Russian Romanov Emperors?
Tsar Nicholas II
Tsar Alexander II
Tsar Michael I
Thirty Years' War
20 of 20
Which treaty marked the end of the Thirty Years' War?
Moon Treaty
Treaty of Westphalia
Treaty of Versailles
boy in font of 'Back to School' sign
Time to Go Back to the Books
Oh dear, it appears that your results aren't as great as we'd hoped. However, we're sure that with a little more care... READ MORE
historian's maps and tools
European History Enthusiast
Give yourself a pat on the back, as your results show that you know your European history facts pretty well. While you... READ MORE
Napoleon fancy dress in front of explosion
European History Genius
Congratulations, your results are impeccable, and show that you know the history of Europe from the inside-out, from... READ MORE
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