Historic Treaties and Agreements

Let's see what you know about some of the most pivotal treaties and agreements that have shaped history. From landmark peace accords to groundbreaking international agreements, we covered a wide range of historical milestones. So, are you ready to test your historical knowledge? You either impress us or learn some new facts! Can't lose. So let's go!
Which treaty ended World War I?
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Utrecht
The Treaty of Paris in 1783 ended...
The 100 years war
The American Revolutionary War
The war between England and France
The French Civil War
Which treaty ended the War of 1812 between the USA and Britain?
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Utrecht
Treaty of Westphalia
Which treaty ended the Second Balkan War in 1913?
Treaty of Bucharest
Helsinki Accords
Maastricht Treaty
Lagos Plan of Action
The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended which war?
The Mexican-American War
The Mexican War of Independence
The War of the Confederation
The War of the Pacific
Which agreement created the World Trade Organization in 1994?
Marrakesh Agreement
Paris Agreement
Kyoto Protocol
Maastricht Treaty
What was the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?
To establish international trade regulations
To ban the use of chemical weapons
To create the European Union
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The Paris Peace Accords ended was military procedure?
US military involvement in Vietnam
US military involvement in Korea
The Gulf War
World War II
What agreement created the North American Free Trade Area in 1994?
The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, was supposed to limit global warming to how many degrees?
3 degrees
1.5 degrees
2.2 degrees
0.5 degrees
The Camp David Accords established peace in 1979 between which two nations?
North Korea and United States
Russia and Ukraine
Israel and Egypt
Iraq and Iran
What did the Rome Statute create in 2002?
The International Criminal Court
World Trade Organization
World Health Organization
The European Union
Let's try that again...
It looks like you need to brush up on your history of treaties and agreements. Don't worry, these are complex topics that many find challenging. Take some time to review the key treaties and their significance in world history. You'll find that each agreement has a unique story and impact. Give the quiz another try, and see if you can improve your score. Remember, learning is a journey, and every step brings you closer to mastery!
You're Brainy!
Great job! You have a solid understanding of treaties and agreements that have shaped our world. Your knowledge of historical events and diplomatic milestones is impressive. You clearly have a good grasp of the key facts and details. Keep exploring and learning more about the intricate world of international relations and history. With a bit more study, you'll be able to ace any quiz on this topic. Well done, and keep up the good work.
Wow, How Did You Know All That?
Amazing! Your performance on this quiz is outstanding. You have an exceptional grasp of treaties and agreements, and your knowledge rivals that of a seasoned historian. It's clear that you have a deep understanding of the pivotal moments and decisions that have shaped global history. Your ability to recall detailed information is impressive. Keep up the excellent work, and continue to explore the fascinating world of international diplomacy and history. Bravo!
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