Beat This Fun History Quiz!

Do you think you've got what it takes to prove that you are a true US patriot? If so, then you're bound to be able to totally ace a trivia quiz about the American Revolutionary War and the events leading up to it, right? It's time to find out!
Battle of Bunker Hill
1 of 14
In which year did the first battles of the American Revolutionary War take place?
Benedict Arnold
2 of 14
What did Benedict Arnold do to be considered America's greatest traitor ever?
He freed British prisoners.
He poisoned a rival officer.
He ordered his troops to surrender.
He defected to the British.
American Revolution
3 of 14
Approximately how many US soldiers fought in the American Revolution?
Battle of Bunker Hill
4 of 14
In which battle were most American soldiers wounded and killed?
Battle of Rhode Island
Battle of Camden
Battle of Brandywine
Battle of Flamborough Head
ship in rough sea
5 of 14
When the USS Randolph was blown up, how many of the crew survived?
Siege of Charleston
6 of 14
How long did the Siege of Charleston last?
One year
One day
One week
One month
crown jewels
7 of 14
Who was the King of Britain during the American Revolution?
William III
George III
Edward VII
Henry VIII
Battle of Trenton
8 of 14
In which battle were the most British soldiers wounded and killed?
Battle of Freeman's Farm
Battle of Camden
Battle of Eutaw Springs
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Long Island
9 of 14
Which of the following did not take part in the American Revolutionary War?
The Dutch Republic
American Revolution
10 of 14
What was the American Colonial army called?
Western Army
Colonial Army
Continental Army
Freedom Army
Declaration of Independence
11 of 14
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
money in a barrel
12 of 14
The taxation of which good caused the start of the colonial unrest?
natural creek
13 of 14
Which river is George Washington famous for crossing during the Revolution?
Delaware River
Mississippi River
Snake River
Ohio River
Battle of Guiliford Courthouse
14 of 14
Which American general was known as the Swamp Fox?
Hyder Ali
Francis Marion
Benedict Arnold
George Washington
US Revolution
You've Lost This Battle...
Oops! Either you're a British spy (and not a very good one at that) or you're in dire need of brushing up on your... READ MORE
Battle of Yorktown
You Know Your Stuff
Good show! From your answers it is clear that you know your facts about the American Revolution pretty well. Even... READ MORE
Washington crossing Delaware River
Hero of the Revolution
Absolutely incredible! Your knowledge of the American Revolution is completely unparalleled. With someone like you on... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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