True or False: The liver is one of the 5 organs humans can't live without.
The other four being brain, heart, kidneys and lungs.
The liver always has some fat. How much makes it a 'Fatty Liver'?
The liver is usually about 10% fat. Over that it becomes fatty.
True or False: A fatty liver will not cause cirrhosis of the liver
A fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis of the liver due to the damage caused to the blood flow ability of the liver.
What is the most common cause of ACUTE liver failure?
Paracetamol and many drugs like it are processed through the liver and can be toxic in large amounts, so toxic that they cause the liver to shut down
Overdosing on drugs like Paracetamol
Eating a tremendous amount of food containing toxins
Physical trauma to the liver (being hit in the liver)
True or False: The liver stores the bile, which is made by the gallbladder
It's actually the other way around. The liver makes the bile. Bile helps with digestion and breaking down fat.
A telltale sign of liver disease is...
Which of these is NOT helpful in detoxing your liver?
Talk to your doctor before taking supplements, because they too can damage the liver as it has to process them. This goes double for vitamin A.
Which of these is bad for your liver?
What is one of the most most common causes of liver cirrhosis in the US?
Chronic alcoholism is one of the most common causes in the U.S. along with chronic hepatitis and obesity. The ongoing damage to the liver causes dead cells to accumulate and cause scar tissue.
True or False: The liver is the largest solid organ in the body.
What is the most common type of chronic viral hepatitis in the U.S.?
Hepatitis C is passed from person to person via intercourse, and by sharing used needles and other drug equipment. It also passes to an infant from the mother. B is the second most common.
What important functions are affected by severe, acute, or chronic liver disease?
These are just 3 of hundreds of jobs the liver does.
Elimination of toxins and other critical materials from the body
You have more to learn
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you know all that much about your liver, and that's hazardous, because it can be a very susceptible part of our bodies. One can easily start going down the path of serious liver disease without knowing how it came to this. How about a second try, or, alternatively, you can check out our answers. In any case, we recommend doing a bit more reading about your liver, it may save your life one day.
You Know Quite a Bit...
You know more about the liver than most, and you know most of what its functions are and how important it to keep it healthy. However, you still did not get the highest score, and there is some room for improvement. What do you say, care to try again? If not, you can always have a look at our answers to learn even more about it. But we're sure you know enough at least to protect your health.
Liver Expert
Well you certainly have a lot of knowledge about the human Liver! You achieved high scores and that means you know a lot more than the average Joe about this incredibly important organ. You probably know how to be careful and so have a good idea of how to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your liver, which is ever so important. Congratulations, you aced this quiz!