Want to Know How Healthy You Are?

Health is a topic we are all keen to learn about and implement as much of it as we can. So, there's no shame in checking up on yourself and seeing how healthy your habits are! Find out by taking our quiz and doing a quick check-up.
1 of 15
When did you last eat fast food?
A few months ago
A few days ago
A few weeks ago
I don't remember
2 of 15
Are you a smoker?
I used to be, but I quit
I smoke E-Cigs
3 of 15
Do you drink alcohol?
Only socially
4 of 15
What do you do when you get a stuffed up nose and fever?
Take medication
Ignore it
Call the doctor
Prepare natural home remedies
5 of 15
You are thirsty. Choose a drink.
6 of 15
If you're a woman, do you use hormonal birth control?
I'm not a woman
7 of 15
Do you microwave your food?
Most of the time
Yes, every day
Not if I can avoid it
8 of 15
Do you exercise?
Yes, I do a fair amount regularly
No, I keep putting it off
Yes, I'm on a full fitness regime
Occassionally, but not as much as I should
9 of 15
When were you last sick?
Within the last year
I'm sick now
It was years ago
Within the last few months
In the last week
10 of 15
They say, 'you are what you eat.' Do you agree with this?
Not sure
11 of 15
What's your opinion of vegetarians?
I'm not concerned
To each their own
I applaud them, but I'm not one
I'm a vegetarian
I think they're mistaken
12 of 15
Are you on prescription medicine?
13 of 15
How often do you feel stressed out?
I hardly ever feel stressed
Now and then, but it comes and goes
I feel like I'm stressed out all the time
I'm often stressed out
14 of 15
Do you tend to read the nutritional information on what you consume?
I don't care, as long as it looks fine
Yes, I always make sure to do so
15 of 15
How much sleep do you get per day?
Never enough
8-10 hours
I don't know
6-7 hours
4-5 hours
NOT Healthy
Your current habits and lifestyle choices suggest that your health may be on a downward trend. Whether it's regular... READ MORE
Reasonably Healthy
You're doing a fair job at taking care of yourself, but there's room for improvement. While you seem to balance some... READ MORE
Congratulations! You're living a relatively healthy lifestyle, and it shows. You seem to make mindful decisions about... READ MORE
VERY Healthy
You're a model of excellent health! Whether it’s through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or avoiding unhealthy... READ MORE
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