This Test May Help You Identify Cancer in Advance.

We all know that too much unprotected exposure to the sun might lead to cancer that manifests itself on the skin, and might look like a harmless mole or a benign beauty spot. But do you know how to identify a mole that may be more than just a spot? It's never a bad idea to learn a few basics about the warning signs of a possibly cancerous mole. After you play the quiz, have a look in the answers section below to learn the A.B.C.D. of identifying skin cancer.
1 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
2 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
3 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
4 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
5 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
6 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
7 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
8 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
Flickr / Scott Robinson
9 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
Flickr / milomingo
10 of 10
Is this a mole or a cancerous tumor?
Not cancer
Time to Learn More About Moles...
It looks like there's room for improvement in your knowledge about skin health. Moles can be tricky to differentiate... READ MORE
Pretty Good!
Youโ€™ve got a solid understanding of how to spot the difference between a harmless mole and a potentially dangerous... READ MORE
Skin Specialist!
Impressive! Your knowledge of moles and skin cancer is outstanding. You clearly know what to look for and understand... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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