Are You Sleeping Correctly? It's Time to Find Out...

Everyone deserves to get a good night's sleep, but unfortunately many people end up going with little to no sleep night after night. If you want to assess how great the quality of your sleep is, simply answer the 14 questions below, and you'll find out soon enough.
closeup of clock face
Do you have a regular bedtime?
Yes, I go to bed pretty much the same time every night.
I try to, but not all the time.
Not at all, no.
woman texting in bed
Do you use your phone a lot before you sleep?
Yes, for hours. It takes me a while to go to sleep.
I do for a bit.
Only to check important things first.
woman drinking tea outdoors
Do you wake up at the same time most days?
Always, even if I don't set an alarm.
Not really.
sleeping under skylight
Do you like to take naps?
woman sleeping on park bench
If yes, then how long do you usually nap for?
More than an hour.
Somewhere around an hour or so.
A quick power nap, 30 minutes or less
I don't nap.
mug and notebook on desk
Do you prefer your home/office to be bright or dim during the day?
Bright - love the daylight!
Dark - helps me relax!
woman sleeping on sofa
Do you often fall asleep in front of the TV?
All the time!
Occasionally, if something's on.
What temperature do you like your bedroom to be at night?
I like it warm and cozy!
I like it slightly warm.
I like it slightly cool.
I like it really cool.
smoking toy
Do you smoke?
woman throwing books
How high are your daily stress levels?
girl drinking coffee in the evening
Do you drink alcohol or caffeine in the evening?
woman working on bed
Besides sleeping, what is your bed most commonly used for?
Watching TV
Browsing the web
pug sitting on bed
Do any pets sleep on your bed?
Every night
woman eating roast vegetables
When do you usually eat dinner?
Early evening
Late evening
Late at night
You Need Some Help Sleeping!
woman with insomnia
Sleep is precious - it is peaceful, relaxing, and recharges our batteries. Or does it? Many, many individuals have trouble sleeping and for most it is an easy fix. Looking at your answers, it seems just a few changes could drastically improve your sleep quality - such as setting a routine bedtime and wake-up time, which helps tenfold when it comes to your body rest during certain hours. If you have pets, try to keep them off the bed - they can be a huge distraction and often don't need or want a solid night's sleep all the way through like us humans. The absolute best way to ensure a better night's sleep, however, is to separate yourself from electronic devices: Silence your phone and put it out of reach, eliminate "falling asleep to TV", and definitely don't settle into bed with a laptop/tablet - All of this really whacks with your melatonin production and fools your brain into keeping you awake for much longer than if you were reading a book or listening to quiet, soothing music. In the same vain, try not use your bed space for anything other than sleep or intercourse. This is an often overlooked mistake that can really mess with your subconscious ability to relax in bed. Sweet dreams!
You're an Average Sleeper!
man asleep with alarm clock
You seem to be an average sleeper, which shouldn't be taken for granted! There is, however, room for improvement that could maximize your health during both day and night hours. From your answers, it seems just a few changes could drastically improve your sleep quality. If you're a napper, take short naps - 30 minutes or less. Long naps keep you from being tired when it comes to bedtime, which can really whack sleep hours out of alignment. Other vices, such as smoking, caffeine, and alcohol all really mess with your body's ability to sleep. Even eating meals late in the evening can really impact restful sleep, so try to eat dinner as early as possible (and if you get hungry before bed, eat a healthy, light snack if you have to).
You're an Above-Average Sleeper!
woman asleep
We have good news for you - You're doing it right! Judging by your results on this test, you are doing a lot to help yourself sleep at night and feel well-rested during the day. For something that is such a huge part of life, sleep sure can be hard to achieve. However, it really seems as though you've got yourself covered most of the time. Remember to stay away from electronic devices at night, set a routine sleep schedule, and take power naps whenever you need them.
You're a Wonderful Sleeper!
woman asleep
Color us impressed! Judging by your results on this test, you are doing an incredible amount to help yourself sleep at night and feel well-rested during the day. This not only results in a better night's rest, but in a much higher quality of living and overall health! For something that is such a huge part of life, sleep sure can be hard to achieve, so you definitely shouldn't take this success lightly! Sweet dreams!
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