Hello there! We really hope you know your English Grammar because we REALLY need some help telling these sentences apart. You see, some of them are using an adjective and some an adverb, but for the life of us we can't tell which is which! Mind helping us out?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Does this sentence use an adjective or an adverb?
Let's Try Again!
Unfortunately you may need to practice a bit more with adjectives and adverbs to get to know the slight difference a bit better. Still, good effort and perhaps you'd like to try again?
You Did Well!
Well done, you definitely know the major difference between adverbs and adjectives, and was able to identify a good number of these words. You can try to elevate your score or have a look at your mistakes.
You Are the CHAMP!
Well, you surely know the difference between adjective and adverb, perhaps better than we do! Congratulations on acing our quiz! We need more grammar-proficient people like you around.