Earth's Ocean and Sea Quiz

Most of our world is covered by seas and oceans. Even today, the human species has mapped more of the face of Mars than the floors of our oceans. They are an integral part of our planet. What do you know of these gargantuan bodies of water?
1 of 13
How many oceans are there?
2 of 13
How much of the Earth is covered by water?
3 of 13
Which body of water is the worldโ€™s largest INLAND sea?
Coral Sea
Black Sea
Sargasso Sea
Caspian Sea
4 of 13
What is the area between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov called?
Indo-china Peninsula
Alaska Peninsula
Iberian Peninsula
Crimean Peninsula
5 of 13
Which sea separates northeastern Africa from the Arabian Peninsula?
Red Sea
Arabian Sea
Coral Sea
Black Sea
6 of 13
The North Sea is the northeastern arm of which ocean?
Pacific Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Southern Ocean
7 of 13
Complete the sentence: The world's smallest ocean is ________, while the world's largest ocean is ________.
Indian, Southern
Pacific, Atlantic
Atlantic, Pacific
Arctic, Pacific
8 of 13
If one wanted to get to Madagascar, what ocean will you have to cross?
9 of 13
What is the deepest submarine trench in the world?
Puerto Rico Trench
Philippine Trench
Tonga Trench
Mariana Trench
10 of 13
What sea lies between Jordan and Israel?
Red Sea
North Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Dead Sea
11 of 13
Which body of water connects to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal?
Indian Ocean
Caspian Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Red Sea
12 of 13
Which sea, forming the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean, lies east of Oman, south of Pakistan, and west of India?
South China Sea
Arabian Sea
Black Sea
Baltic Sea
13 of 13
Which sea separates Indonesia from Australia?
Bering Sea
Timor Sea
Coral Sea
Black Sea
Shall We Try Again?
Unfortunately this time around didn't get a high score. It could be that seas and oceans don't interest you much, or it... READ MORE
A Potential Explorer!
You certainly have a good geographical knowledge compared to the average individual, and we must say you have the... READ MORE
A Potential Oceanographer!
Bravo! Congratulations on acing our Ocean and Sea Quiz! You must have a phenomenal head for geography and the makings... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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