What Isn't?

Pay close attention to the questions of the next test; In each of them you will be asked what does not belong to the group, which is no less difficult than normal questions - and maybe even more difficult. The test combines questions that touch on a variety of topics that all share the same theme. We'll start you off easy, but it may get a bit more challenging...
Test what not: Mountains
Which of the following is not a mountain range?
The Caiman Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains
The Rocky Mountains
The Himalaya Mountains
Test what not: wine
Which of the following is not a type of wine?
Bon Air
Cabernet Sauvignon
What can a virus not do by itself?
Attack a cell
Infect a cell
Take control of a cell's reproduction
Test what not: spider
Which of the following insects is not venomous?
German wasp
Velvet ants
Bullet ant
Test what not: coins
Which of the following is not a true national currency?
Kazakh Ruble
Abkhazian Apsar
Uzbekistani Som
Ugandan Shilling
Test what not: cheeses
Which one of the following is not a type of cheese?
Test what not: alcoholic beverages
Which of the following drinks is non-alcoholic?
Tonic water
Test what not: a car
Which of the following is not a car manufacturer?
Test what isn't: beach
Which of the following cities is not in Western Europe?
Test what not: jazz players
Who among the following is not a famous jazz musician?
Charlie Sifford
Louis Armstrong
Charlie Parker
Dizzy Gillespie
Test what not: apples
Which of the following is not a type of apple?
Pink Lady
Which of these is not the name of a real historical figure?
Christopher Wrungel
Rudyard Kipling
Chun Doo-hwan
Benjamin Disraeli
Test what not: a crying cat
You are not the champion of champions
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A test of what not: a man signals "OK" with his hand
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Test what not: a man raises his fist in the air
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