General Knowledge Free for All

Welcome to our 12-question general knowledge quiz, where trivia lovers and curious minds unite! These aren't your typical questions; expect a fun mix of brain teasers, facts from unexpected corners, and some challenging nuggets to get you thinking. Whether you're a seasoned quiz-taker or just here for a good time, you're bound to learn something new. So, grab a coffee, settle in, and let’s see if you can conquer this eclectic blend of questions. Good luck and enjoy!
General knowledge test with limited time: eggs
Which component WON'T the body get from eating eggs?
General knowledge test with limited time: Earth from space
What does the ozone layer protect us from?
Ultraviolet radiation
Gamma radiation
Carbon dioxide
Extreme changes in temperature
General knowledge test with limited time: disco balls
What is the name of the 1977 movie starring John Travolta that popularized disco music?
Saturday Night Fever
The Face with Two Left Feet
Thank God it's Friday
General knowledge test with limited time: science
Entomology is a science that deals with...
The meaning of words
Internal organs
General knowledge test with limited time: A woman sings
Which style of musical voice is the loudest?
General knowledge test with limited time: Denmark
What is the currency of Denmark?
Danish krone
Danish euro
Danish lira
Danish dollar
General knowledge test with limited time: TV
What is the name of the cafe in the "Friends" series?
Central Perk
Monk Cafe
The Coffee Cup
Long Island Iced Coffee
General knowledge test with limited time: Saka
What is the Japanese alcoholic drink sake made from?
General knowledge test with limited time: Galaxy
What is the most common substance in the universe?
General knowledge test with limited time: healthy foods
What is ascorbic acid?
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
A type of omega 3 fatty acid
A type of amino acid
General knowledge test with limited time: Finland
What is the capital of Finland?
General knowledge test with limited time: Proton
What electric charge does a proton have?
Both positive and negative
A proton has no electric charge
General knowledge test with a limited time: Brainstorming
You can always try again...
Nice try, but it looks like this quiz got the best of you this time! No worries, though—these questions were designed to challenge even the most seasoned trivia buffs. Take a moment to reflect on what you learned, and why not give it another go? There's no rush to be a master of all things; sometimes, the fun is in the challenge itself. Come back and show this quiz who's boss!
General knowledge test with limited time: strong mind
Nicely Done!
Well done! You’ve got a solid grasp of general knowledge, and your effort paid off with a respectable score. Some of those questions were real stumpers, but you powered through and came out on top in many areas. With just a bit more polishing, you'll be unstoppable in your next quiz. Keep up the great work, and who knows—you might be our next trivia champion!
General knowledge test with limited time: super brain
Superb performance!
Incredible! You absolutely nailed it, showing off an impressive range of general knowledge. It’s clear you’ve got a sharp mind and a curiosity that knows no bounds. Not many can breeze through a quiz with such confidence and precision. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done—you’ve earned it! You’re in the trivia elite now, and we’re eager to see how you do on the next challenge. Keep up the stellar work!
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