Who married their cousin?
The hundred year war was fought between...
Click on Elvis Presley's real hair color:
What is the percentage of babies that are born on their calculated due date?
Which is named after which?
Which service was introduced first?
Believe it or not, the telefax's first commercial use was providing service in France between Paris and Lyon in 1865. That's 11 years before Bell invented the telephone!
Which country has the biggest gender imbalance in the world?
When did the Chernobyl power plant go offline?
On December 15, 2000, the last reactor in operation at the Chernobyl site was shut down and the phase of decommissioning began.
1986 - The year of the accident
Which landmark is more slanted?
The scientific name for Llama is "Lama Glama"
Every piece of plastic ever produced still exists.