Epic General Knowledge Test

This quiz will test your knowledge across a variety of topics, from science and history to pop culture and geography. Think you’ve got what it takes to be a trivia master? Sharpen your mind, put on your thinking cap, and get ready to tackle questions that will engage and surprise you. Whether you’re a seasoned quiz champion or just looking for a fun brain workout, let’s see how much you really know!
Which Middle Eastern dish is made from ground chickpeas or fava beans?
Baba Ganoush
The Boston Tea Party in 1773 protested what British policy?
Taxation without representation
Trade embargo
Imprisonment of colonists
Forced conscription
What is the largest living species of lizard?
Monitor Lizard
Komodo Dragon
Gila Monster
Green Iguana
Who composed the "Ode to Joy"?
Ludwig van Beethoven
Franz Schubert
Johannes Brahms
Robert Schumann
Which novel, set during World War I, was written by Erich Maria Remarque?
All Quiet on the Western Front
A Farewell to Arms
What is the main ingredient in the French dish ratatouille?
Which Marilyn Monroe film features the famous scene where her white dress blows over a subway grate?
The Seven Year Itch
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Some Like It Hot
How to Marry a Millionaire
In what year did the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union (Brexit)?
Complete this line by Journey's "Don't Stop Believing": "Just a small town girl, living in a ______"
Lonely world
Big, wide world
Broken home
Burning cold
What is the only insect that can turn its head?
Praying mantis
The Berlin Wall was constructed in what year?
What year was Osama bin Laden killed by U.S. forces?
Who is the playwright of "The Importance of Being Earnest"?
Oscar Wilde
George Bernard Shaw
William Shakespeare
Harold Pinter
Which baseball team won five consecutive World Series titles from 1949 to 1953?
New York Yankees
Brooklyn Dodgers
St. Louis Cardinals
Boston Red Sox
What is the fundamental force that holds atomic nuclei together?
Strong nuclear force
Electromagnetic force
Weak nuclear force
Gravitational force
Try Again...
Not bad, but it looks like today wasn’t your day! You gave it your best shot, but there's always room for improvement. Don’t worry though, this quiz was meant to challenge you, and the more you practice, the sharper your trivia skills will become. Why not give it another go and see if you can beat your previous score? With a bit more brushing up, you’ll be climbing up the ranks in no time. Keep learning and having fun!
Large Brained
Impressive! You definitely know your stuff. Your large brain has carried you through with flying colors, and you’ve proven that you’ve got a well-rounded knowledge of the world. While there’s always room to keep growing, you’re definitely standing out as someone who can hold their own in any trivia challenge. Keep expanding your horizons, and next time, you might just make it to the top! Great job—you’re already well on your way to trivia greatness!
Giant Brained!
Wow! You’re a trivia titan with a giant brain! Your knowledge spans across many different subjects, and it shows. Not many people can reach this level of trivia mastery, but you’ve made it look easy. Whether it’s history, science, or pop culture, you’ve got it covered. Keep up the fantastic work, and there’s no doubt you’ll continue to impress. You’re a true quiz master, and the world of trivia better watch out—you’re at the top of your game!
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