Odd One Out: Summer Edition!

Well, last time we gave you this challenge, we wanted to make you feel cold. This time, we're going to other side of things and are welcoming the season with some hot summer photos. One of each four is different, but which one is it?
1 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
2 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
3 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
4 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
5 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
6 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
7 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
8 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
9 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
10 of 10
Which image is the odd one out?
The Heat May Be Getting to You
You were not able to notice most of the differences and correctly identify the extraordinary image in most, if not all... READ MORE
The Summer Hasn't Burnt Your Brain
Despite the heat and humidity prevailing outside - your recognition and discerning abilities were not particularly... READ MORE
Seems Summer Agrees With You
The heavy heat and humidity that prevailed outside did not affect your high discernment skills at all - and you... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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