Can You Read These Sentences?

We've checked your visual perception, your color vision and many other functions of your eyes. In this test, we're going to check your ability to use your eye to see small objects, such as letters. To solve the quiz and prove your eyes are terrific, tell us what each of these sentences is saying!
1 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The boards tied together made it easy to cross the water.
The birds tried to eat my french fries, but I wouldn't let them.
2 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
Martha and Sam drive an Envoy to work.
Mark and Sarah like to annoy each other at work.
3 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The quirky bird jiggled on the lawn darts.
The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.
4 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The man in the moon doesn't know cheese is food.
The Maine coon doesn't know it's cheap food.
5 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater lives next door to me.
The one-eyed oarsman rowed the boat faster than expected.
6 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The hoarder weighed an excessive amount.
The horse neighed excessively last night.
7 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
She ate two tacos but then had to go outside.
The air was too hot and too humid to go outside.
8 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
The cat took a long nap in the window.
The oak tree is loaded with acorns.
9 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
I clicked the mouse when I noticed the pop-up in the window, and then my computer got a virus.
I missed the mailman when he came to deliver the package because I was at the grocery store.
10 of 10
What does the sentence above say?
There were no words to describe the relief John felt when he finally made it to the toilet.
There were no words to describe the relief John felt when he finally masked his hideous pimple.
Subpar Eyesight
It seems your eyesight isn't what it used to be! Are you perhaps tired or not focused? That might explain some of the... READ MORE
Good Eyesight
You have excellent vision, a bit above average, and if you are over 60 - much above average! You have a great... READ MORE
Superb Eyesight!
Your eyesight and your brain connect in a powerful way. Your brain processes vision and color better than 95% of people... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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