Will You Complete These English Proverbs?

English is a wonderful language, full of wise sayings and old proverbs that still make a ton of sense today. You probably know a lot more of them than you realize, as they seem to be absorbed by most people through life. How many of these proverbs do you think you can finish yourself? Take our test and find out!
1 of 12
Money is a good servant...
but bad for the soul.
but a bad master.
as long as you can meet its cost.
but not a loyal one.
2 of 12
Stretch your arm no further...
than you can reach.
than your fingers may reach.
than your sleeve will reach.
than your grasp.
3 of 12
The more haste...
the less sense.
the less speed.
the more mistakes.
the more death.
4 of 12
It takes all sorts...
to make a world.
to raise a child.
to see the light.
to make a family.
5 of 12
Speech is silver...
but questions are golden.
but emotions are golden.
but silence is golden.
but action is golden.
6 of 12
A cat in gloves...
is a mouse's delight.
will not live long.
catches no mice.
is not a cat.
7 of 12
Honey is not for...
the old.
the bear, but the bee.
the ass’s mouth.
the bitter.
8 of 12
He works best who...
works honest.
works hard.
knows his trade.
knows his tools.
9 of 12
He who would eat the nut...
may choke on the shell.
must also eat the shell.
must first crack the shell.
must bury the shell.
10 of 12
Learn to creep...
in your sleep.
before you speak.
before you leap.
before you weep.
11 of 12
Learn wisdom by...
listening to the wise.
the follies of others.
living wisely.
the follies of your father.
12 of 12
Many a true word...
falls on deaf ears.
is forgotten while a lie endures.
is spoken by mistake.
is spoken in jest.
A Proverb Novice
We're afraid you did not pass this proverb quiz. Granted, most of these sayings aren't uttered that much anymore, but... READ MORE
A Proverb Adept
Your knowledge of proverbs and English sayings is stout. You probably do some reading and have an curiosity about the... READ MORE
A Proverb Master!
You have a super sound knowledge of proverbs, making it really hard for us to challenge you! You must have a great... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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